Choice of the aspect form of the verb in translation
There is 3 types of verbs in English:
Auxiliary verbs.
5 functions of the verb "to be" :
To be + adverbal modifier - "быть", "находиться"
The table is in the room.
To be + noun/adjective - глагол связка в личной или неличной форме
She is a girl.
To be + Participle 1 - Continuous tence
To be + Participle 2 - Passive Voice
To be + Infinitive - форма долженствования
I am to go home.
3 functions of the verb "to have" :
To have + noun - "иметь"
I have a book.
To have + Participle 2 - Perfect Tence
To have + Infinitive - форма долженствования
4 functions of the verb "to do" :
Main verb "делать"
I do my work.
Auxiliary verb in negative and interrogative sentences
Do I work.
In the positive sentences intensifies the meaning of the main verb ("все же", "действительно")
He did do it.
Substitutes the preceding verb
Do you work? Yes I do.
Main verbs.
Translation of non-perfect infinitive.
It is translated into Russian with infinitive
She turned as though she was not disposed to discuss this any more.
Она отвернулась, словно не желая больше говорить на эту тему.
Sometimes - with personal or impersonal forms of verbs (depends on the concrete lexical meaning of the
She has chosen to go her own way.
Она пошла своим путем.
It was painful to him to think that his clothes were not right.
English inf. often acts as adverbial modifier of :
- purpose:
But to aquire this art...
Но чтобы постичь это искусство...
- consequence:
In this case before inf. goes adverb like : enough too, sufficiently & so on:
Both the youngest girl & boy were too small to really understand it.
Девочка и мальчик были, чтобы по-настоящему понять это.
Inf. constructions with to find, to see - the meaning of :
- Connective function - Inf. expresses relatively independent idea adding to the main subject some new
Parliament was dissolved, not to meet again gor eleven years.
Парламент был распущен и не созывался в течении 11 лет.
- Opposition (or adverbial modifier of time), espessially on the base of the verb "to find" and in combination with
the adverb "only"
Katherine had been for a walk by herself one morning and came back to find Lenox grinning at her
Однажды утром Катрин ушла одна прогуляться; когда она вернулась Ленокс встретил ее вопросительно
Translation of perfect infinitive
Perfect Infinitive expresses
Preceeding action;
Unrealized action (as a rule in combination with mo0dal verb)
E.g. The foreign secretary said that they were glad to have made such good progress at the Geneva conference
last month.
Министр иностранных дел заявил, что участники конференции в Женеве, состоявшейся в прошлом
месяце, вполне удовлетворены достигнутыми там успехами.
E.g. You couldn't have tried so very hard - said Carrie.
"Ты, наверное плохо старался", сказала Керри.
In this case sentense structure should be changed:
It is always translated basing on the lexical meaning. Difficulties can result only from its two-fold interpretation,
when you can't decide whether it is a noun or a participle.
He used to bombard the foreign office with messages protesting against Russians receiving visas.
...протестуя против того, чтобы русским выдавали визы.
In sentence Participle can be in the function of attribute and adverbial modifier.
He steadily went over and over his lengthening list of pronunciations and definitions.
Он повторял до бесконечности все увеличивающийся список слов и их объяснения.
In some cases Pariciple is translated by verb.
England has had to give up the gold standard temporarily closing the London Stock Exchange and German
Англия вынуждена была отказаться от золотого стандарта и временно закрыть Лондонскую биржу и
немецкие банки.
Independence of the idea, expressed in the Participle clause can be emphasized if it is translated into a
separate sentance.
The rest were to remain hog-tied and restricted, not being allowed to stand for Parliament, engage in political
controversy of canvass, etc.
Все прочие должны были оставаться связанными ограничкниями по рукам и ногам. Им не разрешалось
выставлять свои кандидатуры в парламент, участвовать в политических дискусиях, агитации и т.д.
Participle can be translated by means of subordinate clause because of stylistic reasons or when there is no
participle equivalent in TL.
There are many recorded cases of big corporations paying phenomenal sums for inventions, not to put them
into use, but to keep them out of use.
Отмечено много случаев, когда крупные корпорации платили баснословные суммы за изобретение, но
не для того чтобы внедрить его, а, напротив, чтобы не допустить его применения.
Main verbs can be. The difficulty is that form of the verb (transitive or intransitive) in English sometimes does
not correspond to the same form of the verb in Russian.
To watch smb. (transitive) = наблюдать (непереходной).