The effect of the pragmatic motivation of the original message
The first type of relations amounts to the sender’s communicative intent or the pragmatic motivation of the original message. The translator, in other words, should be aware whether the message is a statement of fact, a request, a command, an entreaty or a joke. Very often the speaker’s communicative intent differs from what the message ostensibly purports, e.g. `I don’t know` may be not only a statement of fact in which case it would be translated as `Я не знаю` but also an expression of hesitation `Дa как Вам сказать`. “What gives”-in American slang may be either a question `Что новенького? or just a greeting `Привет! `. `Is Mr. Brown there, please` is not a question but a disguised, request `Позовите к телефону м-ра Брауна`.