
The effect of the receptor to text relation

A.Neubert (GDR) has proposed a classification of text depending on their orientation towards different types of receptors: texts intended for “domestic consumption” (local advertising, legislation, home news, etc.), texts intended for foreign consumption (propaganda and advertising for foreign receptors), texts intended primarily for source language receptors but having also a universal human appeal (belles-letters) and texts without any specific national addressees (scientific literature). Typically, in written translation the translator deals with texts not intended for target-language audiences and therefore subject to pragmatic adaptations. Allowances are made for social-cultural, psychological and other differences between SL and TL receptors, particularly differences in their background knowledge. According to E. Nida snow white was translated into one of the American languages as “white as a feather of a white heron”.
Pragmatic factors may affect the scope of semantic information, conveyed in translating. Differences in background knowledge call for addition or delectation of some information (e.g. Part of the nuclear station in Cumberland has been closed down - Часть атомной электростанции в графстве Къюмберленд закрыли. According to Newsweek - Как сообщает журнал Ньюсуик.
Some cultural relies may be translated according to their functional analogues. Allowances should be made for the receptor’s professional status and his familiarity with the subject. In texts intended for specialists sources culture realia are more frequently rendered by transcription or transliteration while in texts for layman explanatory or descriptive translation is preferred e.g., impeachment - импичмент, привлечение к ответственности высших должностных лиц, absenteeism - абсентизм, уклонение от участия в выборах ).
