Additions are caused by different factors. Very often they are necessitated by what may be called structural incompleteness of certain word groups in the source language . Thus, in English in many cases words are omitted that can be easily resorted from the context. While in Russian their actual presence in the word group is necessary, which calls for additions in translation; cf.: pay claim - требование повышения зарплаты, gun license - удостоверение на право ношения оружия, oil talks -переговоры по вопросу о нефти , solid engine - двигатель на твердом топливе, the Watergate judge - судья, назначенный для рассмотрения т.наз. Уотергейтского дела. Sometimes additions are necessary to compensate for lack of grammatical forms in the target language. Thus, that lack of plural forms of the corresponding nouns in Russian calls for lexical additions when translating the following phrases: workers of all industries -рабочие всех отраслей промышленности, modern weapons -современные виды оружия, enemy defenses - оборонные сооружения противника, other philosophies - другие философские теории /течения, направления/.