
Translation of the prefix verb constructions from native language into English

...Жила, долго жила, наконец зажилась.
She had lived to a great age till, at last, she had outlived her time.
Translator should add extra words in order to express Russian idea or feeling - so the main way of rendering such words and combinations is to use descriptive translation.
Types :
1. Exeeding limits : засиживаться - stay too long, перестараться - manage too well;
2. Gaining results : доиграться до царства небесного - play himself into heaven;
3. Continuity of action : распевать - sing away;
4. Idioms : перебеситься - sow one's wild oats.
So the prefix i Russian is rendered into English by means of prepositions, postpositives (down, up, etc.) and stable constructions.
