J Urban's Participation-in-Government
Class Homepage
Social Studies Department
Geneva High School, Geneva, NY
The Participation-in-Government course is
a requirement for graduation. This 1/2 year course is
designed to help you explore current national
issues and to develop ways of participating in the
government process. There is plenty of opportunity
for individual research and participation.
The first half of the course will be devoted
to understanding the basic processes of government.
We will focus on current issues and cases involving
the Bill of Rights.
The second half of the course is a simulation
of government processes.You will also be required
to research, write a bill, deliver a speech and
participate in the Model US Senate.
You will be
assisted in all aspects of this major assignment.
You must see me any time you are stuck. Don't wait.
Due dates are extremely important because
the simulation is structured around your research and
presentations. Late work is severely downgraded,
unless, of course, you have a legitimate medical
reason. You will have plenty of time to
complete assignments if you start them immediately.
All long term project due dates are posted in
the classroom.
This site has links to
latest news and
to ISSUES topics for research. In
addition you can link to
sites for your
REPRESENTATIVES at the national and state
level. This site also provides links to
For research on INTERNATIONAL ISSUES link
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