Professions of Jews in Medieval Spain
By the high middle ages, most Jews in Spain lived within the aljamas (Jewish quarters) in the cities, and had city-based jobs, although some managed country estates.
Jews developed extensive commercial operations in Barcelona under Christian rule. They owned fields and vineyards through allodium (outright ownership) or as tenants. When they traded lands with bishops or other church officials, the transfer deeds were written in Hebrew or at least have a Hebrew signature.
Their professions throughout the peninsula included:
High government officials: diplomats, bailiffs, ministers of finance, tax collectors, and royal concessionaires of mills and salt marshes.
Scholars: physicians, lawyers, teachers, scribes, rabbis, judges, preachers, cantors, notaries, town clerks, and couriers.
Financial officers: brokers, bullion merchants, moneylenders, cambists or money-changers, and international traders.
Merchants of: skins, furs, leather, wool, cloth, silk, timber, spices, oil, carriages, cattle, horses, mules, "corn", grain, and wheat.
Shopkeepers: bakers, butchers, and general merchandise.
And more: mine operators; sheep raisers; flax growers; glove and leather products manufacturers; soap and candle makers; dressers of skins; makers of armor; makers of anchors; minters; smelters; braziers; jewelers; watchmakers; sailors; ship owners; shoemakers; carpenters; tailors; locksmiths; blacksmiths; vintners; weavers; dyers; tanners; gilders; parchment-makers; bookbinders; rope-makers; saddle makers; upholsterers; clothiers; professional gamblers and lion tamers!
From Jews in Spain VI: A Political-Economic Study by Abraham A. Neuman (1942).
From Tzvi Black: The Talmudic commentary Tosfos, written in the Medieval period, mentions "HaSar M'Kutzi". HaSar is Hebrew for the "officer" or "sire" and M'Kutzi is Hebrew for "from Kutzi." It appears that the Sire of Kutzi was a Jewish knight…. (references and comments most welcomed!). Visit the Jewish Warriors webpage for more information on Jews in the military throughout history. Visit Working Women in the Middle Ages for a look at women's jobs in the medieval period.
This page is part of Chaiya's Sephardic World, a website devoted to the history and culture of Jews in Medieval Spain. The site is centered around the fictional SCA persona of Chaiya bat Avraham Toledano, created by Stacy Braslau-Schneck, the author of these pages. Chaiya is a Jewish lady living in Toledo in the 1230s. The SCA, or Society for Creative Anachronism, is an educational organization devoted to researching and recreating the Middle Ages.
I do not claim to be an historian, only a hobbyist. All errors are mine, all text is copyrighted to me, and all comments are welcome! "Yad/Return" image ©2001 Ilene Winn-Lederer
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