San Diego Model Railroad Museum

Web Page

This is a personal view of the San Diego Model Railroad Museum. There is a real site, San Diego Model Railroad Virtual Tour, but has very few pictures. Either they want just a few pictures to try to entice people to the Museum or they don't have many pictures or space for them on the site. This is an attempt to show several more pictures of the Museum.
This page used to be on the nscaler's web page but I was running out of room on the geocities server and decided I should make a separate web page.
I have always enjoyed the San Diego Model Railroad Museum. I even barely remember the previous museum. Mostly HO and some O gauge trains. Big mountains (or from what I remember).
I remember even better the new Museum opening. Not too much at first, but every time I went back (every two to six months is the average), there was always something new. I know this museum has got to be the best in the world, but too few people even in San Diego seem to know about it. I decided to do something about it by going down there with my digital camera and filling four disks. About eighty pictures in about two hours. For those who cannot get to the museum, I am going to be posting them here as I have the time.
passBy the way, I just got my Life membership card from the Museum. Anyone can support the Museum and any donation is tax deductible.

On to the pictures. There will be no thumbnails, but each picture will have the submission date next to it. All of these pictures are free for copying. Just right click your mouse on any picture and save it where ever you want. Or if you want, e-mail me a requested picture and I can e-mail you back with the picture attached (640 x 480 .jpg). No charge. Just not too many please.

4/6/98: Due to a recent visit, there are now about 120 pictures for me to choose from. Decisions, decisions !

picture 1 (12.18.97) picture 2 (12.18.97) picture 3 (12.18.97)
picture 4 (12.18.97) picture 5 (12.18.97) picture 6 (12.22.97)
picture 7 (12.22.97) picture 8 (12.22.97) picture 9 (12.22.97)
picture 10 (12.22.97) picture 11 (01.09.98) picture 12 (01.18.98)
picture 13 (01.18.98) picture 14 (01.26.98) picture 15 (01.26.98)
picture 16 (01.31.98) picture 17 (01.31.98) picture 18 (03.19.98)
picture 19 (03/19/98) picture 20 (03/19/98) picture 21 (04/06/98)
picture 22 (05/17/98) picture 23 (05/17/98) picture 24 (05/17/98)
picture 25 (06/14/98) picture 26 (06/14/98) picture 27 (06/14/98)
picture 28 (08/09/98) picture 29 (08/09/98) picture 30 (08/09/98)
picture 31 (08/20/98) picture 32 (08/20/98) picture 33 (08/20/98)
picture 34 (10.03.98) picture 35 (10.03.98) picture 36 (10.03.98)
picture 37 (01.29.99) picture 38 (01.29.99) picture 39 (01.29.99)
Movie 1(1.4meg) (03.28.99) Movie 2(1.0meg) (03.28.99) picture 40 (03.28.99)
Movie 3(232kb) (06.12.99) Movie 4(200kb) (06.12.99) Movie 5(328kb) (06.12.99)
picture 41 (01.23.00) picture 42 (01.23.00) picture 43 (01.23.00)

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Established 1/25/1998
Updated 06/13/2004

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