HLA v 0.4f

Last update: March 14, 2001
Starting log file from menu fixed. Fixed parsing of 'reflectx' and 'reflecty' commands
note: Much could still be improved which I haven't gotten around to.

A height field generator for MS-DOS

[HLA screen dump] Based on/around John Beale's Hf-Lab, HLA is for creating 'fractal forgery' landscape/skyscape/map "height fields" by spectral synthesis (Fourier-transforming noise, Reference: The Science of Fractal Images, Peitgen, Saupe eds.), and various other algorithms, mainly for use with POV-Ray. Runs under MS-DOS and/or Windows.
Outputs height fields in TGA, GIF, PNG, POT, MAT, PGM, RAW, and OCT formats.

Running HLA requires: MS-DOS, 386+ processor, mouse, 640x480 pixel x 256 color video mode.

"Mostly seems to work OK"

Here is Ken Tyler's list of many height field modelling programs and utilities on povray.org

download HLA (v0.4f March 14, 2001)
(approx. 600kB)

the source code.
(To compile this source code 'as is' you will need Allegro, the game programming library, DJGPP, LibPNG, and ZLib )

HLA is mainly meant to fit my own needs and there might be peculiarities in its use which are not documented. Ask if you have questions about how to use it. Please report bugs! But note that so far I haven't taken suggestions for new features very seriously.

HLA is distributed without warranty under the terms of the GNU General Public License

(send mail)

as created and viewed in HLA: a rendering of the same height field using POVRAY:
HLA screen shot POV rendering
Another POVRAY rendering. A "gforge" height field. The same height field was fed through a low pass filter ("lpf") and given a snow-like texture, and the two are rendered together Similar, but instead of a low pass filter, uses "diff" to find flatter areas for 'vegetation'.
POVRAY rendering of "gforge;fillbasin 20;pow 2;floor .2" A bit more rugged
Height field created with Fractint, manipulated with HLA, rendered with POVRAY: Using a Fractint palette (.map) file in HLA:
hmf rmf

