C.A. prides itself on its wonderful record of converting Christians to non-Christians. Here are a few comments we've received from persons who have completed our program.

"I just wanted to take the time to thank your organization for giving me a new life. For years I was lost amidst the twisted ideologies of Christianity. Now I can see and think more clearly than ever before. I'm very happy that someone out there cared enough to make this program available." - Gregory Sterling [Eureka, California]

"As a Christian of twelve years I never believed or even recognized that I had a problem. One day a friend reffered me to your site and within a few weeks started the program. It was hard to accept that I had been so misled for so many years but I'm glad I finally did. Now that I am an ex-Christian, I feel as if the world has opened up to so many more possibilities. Thank you!" - Gloria Freisen [Ottawa, Canada]

"Hello! I found your site recently and am now on the program. It was hard to believe that I was so ignorant for so long. Now I feel as if I have a new lease on life. I anxiously await the day I can say that I have been born-again-again!! Your program is a life-saver!" -Nathan Fergeson [White Falls, Minnesota]

"I am a recent newcomer to the program and have gotten myself up to step #4 in only five weeks. I can already feel the difference and it feels great. I will definately recommend your site to people in my former church. Thanks for opening my eyes. It's nice to know there are people who care." - Joyce Lewellyn [Philadelphia, Pennsylvania]

"When I stumbled across your site I was offended but after a few days I came back again and began to really concentrate on what the program was all about. Now I am all the way up to step #10 and feeling wonderful. I hope to be an ex-Christian by the end of the year. It isn't easy at first but I know its for the better. Thanks a bunch!" - Edward Chaffey [Waltham, Maine]

"Hi. Just had to stop by and thank you for presenting this opportunity to everyone trapped by this illness. I had a hard time admitting I was really afflicted with it. I just wanted to believe that Jesus was really a savior but now I see the light. Now I'm almost through all the steps and I can already see the improvement in my life. I have less guilt and now that I don't read the bible I am less confused about life decisions. This is a great resource that I will give others a lead to." - Margaret Wilcox [Tuskegee, Alabama]

"Hello and thank you! Your site is a good place for people like me who have been Christians and don't know they have problems. Now I don't read my bible, and I am taking your advice and the steps. I will pass on your site to other people who are Christians!" - Guenter Braunschwieger [Stuttgart, Germany]