Senior High Recreational Reading List (Pre-College)

Author Title
Asimov, Isaac Foundations, Trilogy, Etc.
Auston, Jane Emma, Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Feasibility
Baldwin, James Notes of a Native Son
Beckett, Samuel Waiting for Godot
Bradbury, Ray Fahrenheit 451, The Illustrated Man, Martian Chronicles
Bronte, Charlotte Jane Eyre
Buck, Pearl Good Earth, Pavilion of Women
Burnes, Olive Cold Sassy Tree
Carroll, Lewis Alice in Wonderland
Carson, Rachel The Sea Around Us
Cather, Willa My Antonio, O Pioneers, Death Comes For the Archbishop
Cervantes, Miguel Don Quixote
Clark, W.V.T. The Oxbow Incident
Cleaver, Eldridge Soul on Ice
Clemens, Samual Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, Pudd'nhead Wilson
Clemens, Samual The Prince and the Pauper
Comus, Albert The Stranger
Conrad, Joseph Heart of Darkness and Lord Jim
Cooper, James Lenimore The Pathfinder
Crane, Stephen Red Badge of Courage
Cronen, Margaret I Heard the Owl Call my Name
DeFoe, Daniel Robinson Crusoe
Dickens, Charles David Copperfield, Great Expectations, Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two Cities
Dostoyeusky, Fyodor The Brothers Karamozov
Dreiser, Theodore An American Tragedy
Elliot, George Adam Bede
Ellison, Ralph The Invisible Man
Faulkner, William The Reivers, As I Lay Dying, A Light in August, The Fable
Faulkner, William Absalom, Absalom, and Go Down Moses
Ferber, Edna Giant
Fielding, Henry Joseph Andrews
Fitzgerald, F. Scott The Last Tycoon, The Great Gatsby
Galarza, Ernesto Barrio Boy
Gambino, Richard Blood of my Blood
Godden, Rumer Episode of the Sparrow
Greene, Graham The Power and the Glory
Green, Hannah I Never Promised You a Rose Garden
Hardy, Thomas The Return of the Native
Hardy, Thomas Far From the Madding Crowd, The Mayor of Casterbridge
Hawthorne, Nathaniel The House of the Seven Gables, The Marble Faun
Heinlein, Robert Red Planet, Tunnel in the Sky
Heller, Joseph Catch 22
Hemingway, Ernest The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms
Herbert, George Dune, Etc.
Hersey, John A Bell for Adano, A Single Pebble, Etc.
Hesse, Hermann Siddhartha

Author Title
Hilton, James Lost Horizon
Hughes, Langston The Best of the Simple
Hugo, Victor Les Miserables
Huxley, Alex The Brave New World, Etc.
James, Henry The Turn of the Screw
Joyce, James A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Kesey, Ken Sometimes a Great Notion, Cuckoo's Nest
Keyes, Daniel Flowers for Algernon
Kingston, Maxine Hong The Woman Warrior
Knowles, John A Separate Peace
Lewis, Sinclair Arrowsmith, Etc.
Mann, Thomas Death in Venice
McCullers, Carson The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, The Member of the Wedding
Melville, Herman Billy Budd, Moby Dick
Michener, James Howle, Centennial, etc.
Mitchell, Margaret Gone With the Wind
Momaday, N. Scott House Made of Dawn
Morrison, Toni Song of Solomon
Norris, Frank Octopus, McTeague
Norton, Andre Forerunner
O'Neil, Eugene Desire Under the Elms, Long Day's Jouney Into Night
Oates, Joyce Carol The Wheels of Love
Okada, John No-No Boy
Orwell, George Animal Farm, 1984
Paton, Alan Cry, the Beloved Country, Too Late the Phalarope
Plath, Sylvia The Bell Jar
Rolvaag, O.E. Giant in the Earth: A Saga of the Prairie
Scott, Sir Arthur Ivanhoe
Shaw, Bernard Androcies and the Lion, Pygmalion, Saint Joan
Shaw, Irwin Voices of a Summer Day, The Young Lions
Shelley, Mary Frankenstein
Shute, Nevil On the Beach
Solzhenitsyn Cancer Ward, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Steinbeck, John Cannery Row, Sweet Thursday, Tortilla Flat, etc.
Stevenson, Robert L. Treasure Island, Kidnapped, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Stewart, Mary The Crystal Cave, etc.
Stone, Irving The Agony and the Ecstasy, Sailor on Horseback
Swift, Jonathon Gulliver's Travels
Tolkien, J. R. R. The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings
Tolstoy, Leo Anna Karenina
Trumbo, Dalton Johnny Got His Gun
Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr. Cat's Cradle, Slaughterhouse Five, etc.
White, T. H. The Once and Future King
Wilder, Thornton Our Town
Wong, Jade Snow Fifth Chinese Daughter
Wouk, Herman The Winds of War, The Caine Mutiny