Grade 4's Nutrition Jokes

Knock, knock. who's there?
Beanstalk who?
Beans-talk, don't tell them any secrets .
Get it? Beans-talk

Q: Where does a criminal with a sweet tooth belong?
A: Behind chocolate bars!

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Lettuce who?
Lettuce out of jail!!

Q: Why couldn't the broccoli go to school?
A: Because it lost it's head!!

Q: Who do you call when you can't get in your house?
A: A turkey!
Get it? A tur-KEY!

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Lettuce who?
Lettuce go out tonight.

There were 3 tomatos walking down the road. Mom, Dad, and Baby.The father tripped and hit the Baby. What did he say?

Q: What does a carrot do when he needs a ride?
A: He calls a cab-bage!!

Our Fish Friends Project

Our grade 4 class is taking part in the Fish Friends Project. We are raising Atlantic Salmon in our classroom which will be released in May. We received them as tiny eggs and now they are swimming around the tank. Here is a picture of the fish tank at the back of our classroom.


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