Annalog 2001 ------------ Fall, 2001 ---------------- planned publication date: August 31, 2001

Word a Day


Word for the Day

June, 2001

Learning Spanish has been a challenge, especially this year with building a house. Most of the words I've learned are associated with a house and construction of a house.
In the past I've tried to learn 20 new words a week with a week of review every now and then. However, now I am working on a word a day. This page is for anyone who'd like to study a word a day.

We had scallops for dinner the other night and it was an occasion to learn 3 new Spanish words.

June 18 callo callus; for example a callus on a hand or a foot

June 19 hacha axe; or hatchet

June 20 callo de hacha scallop; seafood that is eaten

It seemed that a ladder would be dangerous for the worker to be chipping out a path for the air conditioner tube, so I suggested to the contractor that he rent some scaffolding. I was sent to Guaymas to check the prices, so I needed to know the word. "caminar" is the intransitive verb I've learned for "to walk". Now I've learned another, "andar", and several derivatives.

June 21 andar (intransitive verb) to walk

June 22 andamio scaffold

June 23 andalores sidewalks My dictionary gives "acera" for "sidewalk", but no one seems to use that word here in San Carlos/Guaymas.

June 24 jaladeras pulls for drawers This was the word given to me by one of the workers installing the kitchen cabinets. Makes sense since "jalar" is "to pull".

June 25 manija handle The electrician said this is the word commonly used for a drawer pull. The translation in my dictionary was handle. This makes sense too since "mano" is "hand" and we say "hand-le" in English. When I bought door knobs, they were also called manijas.

June 26 sellador sealer Grout needs to be sealed after curing for 20 days.

June 27 boquilla grout

June 28 soclo mopboard, but here it is tile rather than a "board"

June 29 varilla rebar the iron bars used to reinforce concrete. Since "v" is pronounced with a slight pressing of the lips together like a "b", itsounds like "barilla".

June 30 costillas ribs The contractor is having the workers build the pillars out front for the entrance. He said he needed "varilla para costillas". Since this was such a new context for ribs, I had to have him repeat it several times before I understood.

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