The Lords Day
Brigham H. Roberts (1915)
THE Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints accepts what is usually called the Christian Sabbath or the Lords day as the proper day of special service and worship of the Lord. Such acceptance is sometimes challenged as being in violation of one of the Ten Commandmentsthe fourthwhich directed ancient Israel to keep holy the Sabbath day, the seventh day of the week, and which, it is held, was designed to be a perpetual law unto all who accept God as creator and law-giver. This question is raised not only against the Church but against all Christendom, Catholic and Protestant alike, who accept the first day of the week or Sunday as the Christian Sabbath instead of the Jewish Sabbath, the seventh day of the week. The question is raised by one of the sects of Christendom, the Seventh Day Adventists. The distinguishing characteristics of this sect are that they believe in the personal and glorious coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, and they believe that the holy day of worship appointed by God is the seventh day of the week instead of the first. Hence their name, Seventh Day Adventists. The Adventists have other Christians at somewhat of a disadvantage in this controversy owing to several facts. Modern Christians quite generally deny the continuation of revelation after the days of the apostles; they cannot point to any direct revelation or positive apostolic institution in the New Testament substituting the first day of the week for the old Jewish Sabbath, the seventh day, which Jesus observed during his lifetime. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, however, need not be confused by the arguments of Adventists, since the church of Christ in this last dispensation has the warrant of Gods word by direct revelation that the first day of the week is a day of public worship and thanksgiving, a holy Sabbath unto the Lord. It is not our intention, however, to avoid a discussion of the question by making the issue depend on the fact that God has given such a revelation, although that is a position that can be consistently taken by the Church. We desire to point out the evidence we have from the New Testament and from the practice of the early Christian church of observing the first day of the week as a day of public worship, sanctified and set apart as the Lords day. By doing so, we shall be able to show a very strong probability that the change from the seventh to the first day of the week was made by the Lord Jesus Christ himself after his resurrection, and that it was perpetuated by his apostles and the early Christian church. In conclusion, we shall cite the revelation that changes this probability into fact and confirms with divine sanction the custom of worshiping on the first day of the week New Testament Evidences
Thomas, one of the Twelve, was not present at this meeting nor would he believe the account of it told him by his fellow apostles. He declared that he must see the print of the nails in the Masters hands and thrust his hands into His side before he could believe. And after eight days, which of course brings us again to the first day of the week, his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you. (John 20:26; emphasis added.) He then dispelled the doubts of Thomas and did many other things which are not written. Let this much be held in mind from the above: Jesus arose from the dead on the first day of the week and appeared to his disciples when they were assembled together. Then, after eight days, which brings us again to the first day of the week, his disciples were again assembled, and he appeared unto them. We have no account of his appearing to any one in the interval, a significant fact that makes it easy to believe that the second meeting on the first day of the week was appointed by the Lord himself. Since all that he did on this and other occasions was not written (see John 20 30 and 21 25), it is neither impossible not improbable that he then sanctified this day and appointed it as a holy day to be observed as sacred by his followers. This view is sustained by the continued practice of the apostles in meeting on the first day of the week. It is significant that the day of Pentecost, on which the apostles received their spiritual endowment by the outpouring of the Holy Ghost, that year fell on the first day of the week. (See Dr. William Smiths Dictionary of the Bible, Hackett and Abbott, eds., [Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1869] 2:1676; and John Bramhall, The Works [Dublin, Ireland: His Majesties Printing House, 1676], p. 907; Oxford Edition, 5:51.) And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. (Acts 2:1; emphasis added.) They received the outpouring of the Holy Ghost and publicly preached the gospel and administered baptism. This assembling together on the first day of the week was doubtless in continuation of that new order with respect to the Sabbath which Jesus had ordained. Many years after the Pentecost, in giving the account of Pauls journey from Philippi to Troas, the writer of the Acts of the Apostles says that the journey was accomplished in five days and that at Troas the apostolic party abode seven days And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight. (Acts 20:7; emphasis added.) Again, Paul sent the following instructions to the Saints at Corinth, the same instructions he had given to the churches of Galatia: Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye. Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store as God has prospered him, that there be no gatherings [collections] when I come. (1 Corinthians 16:1, 2, emphasis added.) These passages prove very clearly that the custom of meeting together for acts of public worship and the preaching of the gospel was firmly established in apostolic times. Since that is the case, it doubtless was ordered by Messiahs own appointment. Surely the apostles would not presume to establish such an order of things without divine sanction. Within the lifetime of the last of the apostles, too, this Christian Sabbath had received its name, the Lords day. Johns statement, I was in the spirit on the Lords day (Revelation 1:10, emphasis added), can have reference to no other thing than the fact that on the first day of the week, which had come to be known by the Christians as the Lords day, John was in the spirit.
Following is a very respectable authoritys argument on these New Testament passages, and it seems to us decidedly strong:
The same authority continues the argument in a footnote thus:
These arguments may be further strengthened by the following considerations: When the Jews were stickling for a very strict observance of the old Sabbath, Jesus, with some spirit, replied that The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath. He furthermore gave them to understand that the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath. (Mark 2 27-28.) It follows then that since Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath, it would clearly be within the province of his authority to change the old Mosaic institution of the Sabbath if he so elected. Paul, in his day, said If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new. (2 Corinthians 5:17.) Again, in his letter to the Ephesians, the apostle represented Christ as having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances. And again, in his letter to the Colossians: And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses; Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross. . . . Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come. (Colossians 2:13-17; emphasis added.) From this it is clear that many things in the law of Moses, being fulfilled in Christ, were done away or changed to conform to the law of the gospel. It is very probable that the Sabbath was among those things so changed. Customs of the Primitive Church
From this it appears that Jesus himself fixed set times and seasons for offerings and ministrations, as well as established also by whom as when they should be performed, according to his supreme will. This represents the Lord as having arranged matters including times and seasons for offerings and ministrations, more definitely than any of the New Testament writers credit him with doing. Is it unreasonable to think that among these was the transition from the Jewish Sabbath to the Lords Day? The Epistle of Barnabas, written in the early part of the second century, speaks of the Christian custom pertaining to the Sabbath: We observe the eighth day with gladness, in which Jesus rose from the dead; and having manifested himself to his disciples, ascended into heaven. (Barnabas 13:10.) The younger Pliny, the Roman governor of Bithynia, said in describing the custom of the Christians to his friend, Trajan, the Roman emperor:
It is claimed only that this passage proves that the Christians had a stated day on which they met to worship of God and renew religious covenants. That stated day was the eighth day of the week mentioned by Barnabas, which corresponds with the first day of the week mentioned by the New Testament writers. Justin Martyr, one of the most learned and highly esteemed of the apostolic fathers, is very clear on this subject. Located near the inspired apostles, he wrote in the first half of the second century:
We have not the space to further examine the testimony of the fathers, nor is it necessary. Sufficient information has been quoted to show that in the age immediately succeeding the apostles, the practice that seems to have begun under the immediate supervision of the Lord himself was firmly established in the early church. The learned writer Rev. James Augustus Hessey treated this subject in Smiths Dictionary of the Bible:
Yet after all this is statedand the strength of the argument is very greatit still falls somewhat short of being absolutely conclusive. It cannot be made out clearly and positively that Jesus or the apostles authorized by direct, official action the observance of the first day of the week as a day of public worship, dedicated to the service of God and designed to take the place of the Jewish Sabbath. The most that can be claimed for the evidence cited is that it is possible that such a change was instituted Rev. Baden Powell, professor of geometry at Oxford University, stated the case as it stands:
It is evident that Catholics regard what is written in the New Testament as insufficient to justify them in the observance of the first day of the week instead of the seventh, since they appeal to the tradition of the church or the unwritten word of God in justification of their practice. They upbraid Protestants for their rejection of the authority of tradition, which alone, in their view, justifies the change from the seventh to the first. The author of the Catholic work End of Religious Controversy, after citing the scripture commanding the observance of the seventh day as the Sabbath, wrote:
Latter-day Revelation
This is in clear allusion to the first day of the week, and thus the matter is set at rest. The observance of the Lords day as the day sacred to the worship of Almighty God, so far as the Latter-day Saints are concerned, does not rest upon the probability that it was of divine or apostolic institution, as is the case with Protestant Christendom. Nor does it rest upon the tradition of the church that it was of apostolic institution as is the case with the Catholic church. The observance of that day comes to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by direct appointment of the Lord by revelation to the head of the Church in the present new dispensation of the gospel. That revelation transforms the probability into a certainty. At the Seventy-seventh Annual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 7,1907, Anthon H Lund, of the First Presidency of the Church, justified the observance of the first day of the week as our Christian Sabbath:
In conclusion, let us observe this day with what solemnity God hath dedicated. Let us set it apart for the worship of the Lord and observe how strictly he prohibits other occupation on that day.
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