This Ritual can be performed either during the day, perhaps late afternoon, or during the early evening hours, just after Sunset. Sweep area, starting in the North and moving deosil, with your magickal broom to cleanse the Circle area and "sweep away" any lingering negative energies. You may want to outline the perimeter of your Circle with corn meal, the grain most sacred to this Sabbat.
Set up the Quarter candles (North-Green, East-Yellow, South-Red, West-Blue) and/or other items symbolizing the elements at the Four Quarters (use a compass if not permanently marked out). Set up your altar as desired, and face it to the North, covering it with the golden yellow altar cloth.
For this Ceremony, you may want to have upon the altar items from the harvest, particularly corn and other grains. In honor to the Sun Gods, you may also want to place golden stones and Sun Wheels upon the altar. You will also need a loaf of bread - preferably cornbread, and some sort of juice or wine. You will also need a plate or bowl to remove the harvest offering. In addition to your usual tools and props, upon the altar should be:
Golden Yellow, Orange, or Red Altar Cloth
Sun (God) and Moon (Goddess) Candle Holders, with Gold and Silver Candles, respectively.
Ears of Corn, Squash and other Harvest Items
Golden Stones (such as citrine, amber, tiger's eye, carnelian, topaz... )
Sun Wheels or Sun Symbols of some sort
Small Loaf of Bread (preferably Cornbread - for the Ritual)
Anything else personally deemed appropriate or necessary
When all is set up, take a shower or bath for purification and don your ritual robe or other ritual attire. Be sure to wear your magickal jewelry. Sit quietly and meditate for a little while - to ground and center before beginning the Ritual. When you feel ready to begin, play some soothing, peaceful music for the ritual.
After the Circle is cast, begin the Lughnassadh Sabbat Ceremony... Pick up your Wand and hold it in your power (right) hand, face the North and with your arms outstretched (kneel or stand) and when you feel ready, begin your ceremony with these words:
I now pause to watch the Wheel turn
and cast this Circle on this blessed eve to celebrate
the Season of Lughnassadh - the First Harvest -
when the bounties of Nature
give of themselves so that we may survive.
I come here now to praise the bountiful Goddess
and the benevolent God.
I wish to give thanks for the bounty of the fertile Earth,
and to feel myself as a part of
the relentlessly turning wheel of life, death and rebirth.
O Great God of the Ripening Fields,
who has been known as
Lugh, Tammuz, Adonis, Attis and Dionysus -
Grant me the understanding of sacrifice
as you prepare to deliver yourself
to the lands of Eternal Summer.
O Great Goddess of the Corn and Grain,
who has been known as
Brigit, Ishtar, Aphrodite, Astarte and Demeter -
Teach me the secrets of rebirth
as the Sun wanes in its strength
and the nights grow cold."
Place your Wand back in its place on the altar. Spread your hands out over the harvested foods on the altar and say these words:
Pick up the loaf of bread (hopefully cornbread) and say these words:
Now name all the things you are currently thankful for, one by one. This part of the ritual should be spontaneous - DO NOT use a script for this, go with your heart. With each thing that you name, break off a piece of the bread (or cornbread) and eat it. Sip from the goblet of fruit juice as well... When you are finished doing this, say these words:
With these last words, place some of the bread and pour some juice into the libation bowl. Cup your hands around the offering (libation bowl) and say:
After a brief pause to catch your breath, continue with these words:
Now is the time for meditation and any spellworkings you may need or desire to end your Sabbat celebration. Good Lammas spellworkings include: connectedness, career, health, and financial gain. If no spellwork is to be done at this time, then proceed with the Cakes and Ale Ceremony, followed by Releasing the Magick Circle.
I have been overwhelmed with e-mail lately and a lot of it is of a nature that I am not able to handle at this point in my current life. Many people have written asking me to become their Wicca Teacher or Mentor and I am unable to comply right now. I am Disabled from a serious back injury and just sitting here writing/answering e-mail causes a large increase in pain, so I usually simply cannot do it. Otherwise, my plate is about as full as it can get. I'm sorry, but don't write asking me to do this for you, but please continue to and write with your questions, comments, and suggestions...
Please feel free to use the information contained on my Wiccan Web Pages for your own personal use or for the teaching of others... remembering the Wiccan Rede... and harming none... Blessed Be, StormWing...
Portions of the words and actions in my online Wiccan Rituals are inspired by the works of the following authors: Silver RavenWolf, D.J. Conway, Edain McCoy, Scott Cunningham, Starhawk, Margot Adler, Laurie Cabot, Ray Buckland, Amber K, and Pauline & Dan Campanelli, and possibly others...
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