To the Editor:
Hi. I just wrote to inform you that this is a great site. I am glad that WordSmith has found a place on the net.
Congratulations on a great website! I just visited it for the first time and I was really impressed. It was fun to read news about the events and people at Smith on the Internet. Thanks for the nice article on International Day.
Again, congratulations on a super publication. WordSmith makes us even prouder to be Smith Eagles.
While exploring a home page at Geocities, I ran across Wordsmith and could hardly believe my eyes when I saw it came from Ben L. Smith High.
I graduated from your school in 1966 (centuries ago!) and still fondly remember my english teacher, Miss Nichols, and the poetry we read. After going on to Carolina (graduated Chapel Hill in '70, the year of the Cambodian invasion and general strikes), I moved back to Washington State where I grew up before Smith High. I now have a son in high school here in Seattle.
I was quite impressed with the professionalism of your news page. We would never have been able to pull that off in the 60's! Good Job!
P.S. Is Bob Petty's Drive in still there? Yum!