
The current Politically Correct Insanity is producing some interesting results. For instance the Georgia Legislature recently choked on the generic man in jury foreman (HB 820) and substituted jury foreperson which is already drawing fire due to the son in person.

Person, however, is from the Latin persona, a stylized mask worn by Greek and Roman actors to indicate the character they were portraying. The Latin term for an individual is Homo! OOPS! The Greek term for a private individual, that is someone that does not have his or her snout in the public trough, is idiot. But that is another story.

After having gagged on man our fearless legislatures then swallowed meretricious (SB 277) whole. Meretrix is the feminine of meritor. A meretrix is a prostitute. Meretricious is feminine. Meretricious is bad. Meretricious deserves scorn and punishment. Meritorious is masculine. Meritorious is good. Meritorious deserves praise and reward.

Ralph Nador and others are currently campaigning to eliminate the verbs to welsh, to jew and to gyp from the language but I am curious as to just how far the PoliticalIy Correct Mob is prepared to go and in just how firm their convictions are.

Are they willing to ban slave from verbal intercourse? Slave is Slav with Danny Quayle's infamous silent scribal e to indicate the long a. To spell potatoe with an e is not incorrect merely archaic and unnecessary. However, try telling the difference between hate and hat without the e. But back to slave. So many Slavs were pressed into involuntary servitude that slave replaced Latin servus or servant as a term for a bondsman, OOPS, bondsperson. The term slave is pejorative to all Slavs whether Polish, Russian, Croatian or Serbian to name just a few.

Is the Politically Correct Gestapo willing to relinquish their favorite epithet BIGOT. Bigot is By God, an oath and was used by the French as a pejorative for Robert the Devil's Normans who liberally salted their language with BiGods which sounded to the sensitive French ear like Bigot.

Some Normans, from constantly being referred to as Bigots, accepted Bigot, BiGod or ByGod as a personal name. Two Barons Bigod, Roger Earl of Norfolk and Hugh later Earl of Norfolk, were Sureties for Magna Carta and three other Barons Harvey Bigot, Henry Bigot and William Bigot were signatories.

Emory Bigot is a well known seventeenth century humanist and bibliophile. His personal library, the Bibliotheca Bigotiana, was famous through out Europe and is now part of the Bibliotheque Nationale.

E. Bigot and Alexandre Bigot were nineteenth century artists and pioneers of modern ceramic techniques. It goes without saying that to use Bigot as a term for a prejudiced individual is pejorative to the people of Normandy and to all Bigots, BiGods and ByGods everywhere.

Female homosexuals will have to surrender Lesbian. A Lesbian is an inhabitant of the Island of Lesbos. The Greeks referred to female homosexuals pejoratively as Lesbians but there is no evidence that the incidence of female homosexuality on Lesbos is significantly higher than the average.

The terms perpetrate, perpetration, and perpetrator are derived from Latin pater, father and mean to perform in the capacity of a father. Fathers are no more prone to commit crimes than other members of society and to classify criminal activity as actions in the manner of a father is pejorative.

If a criminal father is a perpetrator then a criminal mother is a peremetratrix, a criminal man is a pervirator, a criminal woman is a perfeminatrix and a criminal human is a perhuminer. Perhuminer is the PoliticalIy Correct term for a criminal as it is as Politically Incorrect to identify criminals by sex as it. is to identify them by race or religion.

Virtue, from Latin vir, a man, is a term pejorative to women. Virtue implies that one is acting like a man which is to say honourably. This is pejorative in implying that moral excellence is a male quality.

Patriot, from Latin pater, father, one who loves his country like a father is pejorative to women. There is no evidence to indicate that women love their country less than men. Matriot or one who loves their country like a mother is not a satisfactory solution to the problem as it perpetuates the assumption that only those who have reproduced can love their country. Homiriot or one who loves their country like a human is a rather pale insipid term and lacks the fire of patriot but no sacrifice is too great when made in the cause of Political Correctness.

The substitution of foreperson for foreman by the legislature does not purge the pejorative taint from the term. A foreman is the overseer of a gang of labors or the chairman of a jury. Foreman is used for no other office and perpetuates the menial status of the jury with respect to the judge and lawyers which existed prior to the Bushell case, which of course is another story. To cut to the chase the term is pejorative and the only Politically Correct substitute is president. President is a gender neutral term for one in charge of an assembly or meeting.

There are only about a million words in the English language and most people have a working vocabulary of about a thousand words. If we all work hard we should be able to trim this down to a few manageable grunts and then elect Tim Allen President.

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