This area leads to the private life of a law enforcement officer. As you go through these pages, I hope you will see that we're really no different than any of your other friends and neighbors. We have families and friends. We enjoy lots of different activites, and have our favorite football teams. We enjoy spending our time off duty living as regular citizens,. . . .when we're allowed to.

We also have our share of heartaches. Law enforcement officers have higher than average rates of divorce and suicides. The toll of the job and what is experienced can wear down even the most experienced officers. Yes, you see a cop does have feelings, even if he's not allowed to show them at work. It is not unusual for the toughest cop in town to find a private area and have a good cry after dealing with scenes the average citizen could not and would not want to imagine. How many other professions do you know of that have a Crisis Debriefing Team ready at all times to help employees try to understand what they have just witnessed?

Don't take this wrong, I work in the greatest profession in the world. It's just that it is one of the most misunderstood professions. It is a position that is constantly under public scrutiny. It is a job where you have only seconds to make a decision that will literally be debated and judged for years. It is a job that when you do your job you can make people angry and if you don't do your job soon enough you make them angry. It is a job that parents try to scare their toddlers with, ( "You behave or I'll have that officer take you to jail") then wonder why their children grow up with no respect for the law.

It is my thought that if the average citizen could view a law enforcement officer as a person, rather than an unfeeling, mechanical creature wearing a uniform with a badge, there would be less misunderstanding. If cops can be seen as people with families who depend on them, then just maybe the person wearing the uniform will be less of a target. There are not many other professions where someone may want to kill you simply because of the clothes you wear to work.

This area is where you can see some of the daily, off duty interests of a cop. See some of the things that make him a person, just like anyone else. A person capable of loving and being loved. A person who has emotions and grieves at the loss of a loved one. A person who has to deal with illness of his children. A person who has similar cares and concerns as anyone else, except in the job he does.

If you have any questions or feedback, please e-mail me. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy your visit. Don't forget to sign the guestbook!



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Last update on: 31Aug06