Thank You, Lord, for all You have blessed me with. Thank You for another day to serve You and to serve others in Your name.
As I begin today, I pray that You fill me with Your spirit.
Help me to meet today filled with enthusiasm and
vigor so that I may pass on Your wisdom and Love
to all that I meet.
I pray that You fill me with Your wisdom.
Help me to meet the challenges of today with an
active mind and a healthy curiosity.
I pray that You fill me with Your love.
Help me to greet each person I meet today
with a smile on my face, and joy in my heart.
I pray that You fill me with Your courage.
Help me to meet the conflicts of today with
the strength to invoke Your love.
I pray that You fill me with Your peace.
Help me to find joy and happiness,
not in material possessions,
but in spiritual experiences.