Interpretations of the properties of colors vary, but these are some pretty common ones.
The "major" colors (the 5 elements, black and white)
white: protection, peace, purity, truth, general purpose (all colors united)
purple: element of spirit
green: element of earth: healing, money, luck, fertility
yellow: element of air: divination, study, learning, the mind
red: element of fire: energy, courage, passion, change, sex
blue: element of water: healing, meditation, tranquility, emotional love
black: absorption of negativity, banishment
sky blue: alternate for element of air
other colors (focus on a part of some elements effects or blends of 'em)
brown: animal energies
pink: (partially fire, partially water) emotional love though less "deep running",
and tinged with a bit of sensual romance. Flirty love.
orange: (partially fire, partially air) strength, authority, attraction, luck
Those are the most popular ones, for others just think about which colors of
the 5 element ones were mixed. You often have an answer there.
This File Copyright 1999 by Matt Kettler.