As I am a Solitary, and do not have, nor give out the addresses of covens. I also don't give out the names and addresses of other Wiccans unless one sends me e-mail asking me to (which none have done). Occasionally I will forward copies of e-mail questions to other Wiccans, who I feel are more knowledgeable on a topic than me. If you do not wish me to do such please say so (I do avoid forwarding any questions which I feel are of a personal nature). Please also read my little text on Wiccan secrecy.
Despite the fact that *I* can't provide such services, here are some tips I might give you for trying to find some:
1) subscribe to some pagan newsletters from your area... look for festivals and go to them.
2) go to World Pagan Network and fill out a request for a list of contacts in your area (best to use your e-mail, or a P.O. Box, not physical address) or Pagan Webweaving and look up the list of posts from your area.
3) If you can find one, go to a local pagan bookstore, most have a bulletin board of events.
good luck!
This File Copyright 1997 by Matt Kettler. All persons may freely duplicate this file for educational purposes, provided author credit is retained.