British Ghurka Commandos (see special table below) The war is going well, except for the fact that Patton
and the Americans are getting all of the headlines, much to the
displeasure of Monty. It is early morning and your assignment is
to cross over the stream and clear a path for your armor. Once the
armor is across, establish a defensive perimeter. The time is 0400.
You have an hour and a half (six turns) to secure a bridge and clear
a path for your armor. 10 - Ghurka Commando squads Set-up: Close to the West side of the stream, in cover, near whichever bridge(s) is chosen to assault. Special Stealth rules are in effect Stealth Rules: If you are within five inches of your target - you can attack without their responding for a turn, unless spotted - See visibility table. Your visibility is 2" farther than normal visibility. Flares - the Germans have been sending up flares on a regular basis. If a flare pops above one of your squads (anything within 1 1/2" of the flare counter) they have the option to freeze or continue moving. If they freeze, 40% chance of being spotted. If they keep moving - 70% chance of being spotted. Stream crossing movement: -1 from movement, however can cross at double speed (5"). Stream banks provide +5 cover. With each move across the stream, the judge will check to see if there is an enemy unit within your strike range (5" or less). If the enemy unit has not detected your presence, you will roll two percentile dice to determine if you have taken out the enemy squad - if you choose to do so. If you do not eliminate the squad, the squads involved will go immediately into melee (with the judge rolling for both sides) and resolve the conflict with all units involved taken off the board afterwards if no longer in sight of any other units. Neither you, nor your opponent will know if your unit survived the battle until light enough for other units to see who is left standing, so to speak, or unless that unit comes into conflict with another enemy unit(s). If while visibility is still limited, you decide you want to move that unit, you may plot it (send out the orders) and assume that the unit is moving. Its availability will be confirmed only if another unit sees it. Note* Although shallow, due to the high banks of the stream, it can only be crossed (narrow areas and "chalk") by infantry and the Churchills, including the Crocodile, at normal movement. SPECIAL GHURKA (COMMANDO) TABLE