The Prescott church of Christ is an undenominational fellowship of Christians in Arizona committed to living by faith in Jesus Christ and being simply Christians. Our appeal is undenominational. Organizationally, we are an independent church because the churches of the New Testament were likewise (cf. Acts 14:23; 20:28 with 1Peter 5:1-2). We have no organization affiliation with any denomination. Instead, we plead for restoration of the apostolic church in our generation by allowing the Bible to point the way, back beyond all human creeds and ecclesiastical authorities to Jesus Christ and His Apostles. By rejecting all human change and innovation in the teaching and practice of today's churche, we want to stand apart from denominationalism with other like-minded believers and be simply Christians. Our appeal is for Christ. According to the New Testament, Jesus Christ is head of His church and possesses "all authority" in its rule (Ephesians 1:22-23 with Matthew 28:18-20). Therefore, no person today or group of people can or should possess any rule of the churches, whether judicial, legislative or executive. Rather, the word of God, the only Divine standard of revealed authority, is the New Testament, our only creed and guide to daily living, teaching and religious practice (2Timothy 3:16-17 with 1Corinthians 4:6,17 and Ephesians 3:4). As our King and Lord, His word is our sole and final authority (2John 9). Finally, our appeal is for unity. If all religious people would leave behind denominational creeds, names, and pride, and follow God's word alone, there could be the unity among Christians that Jesus wanted (John 17:20-23). Therefore, we appeal for all believers to abandon human teaching and unite completely and solely on what the Bible says. If you are interested in unity based on truth and plain, simple Christianity, you are invited to join us in worship and in study of the word of God, and in fellowship with God and His Son, Jesus Christ.
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You are invited to our worship assemblies: Sundays at 10:20 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. and also to our Bible studies for all ages: Sundays at 9:30 a.m. and Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. Our meeting place is 1495 E. Delano Avenue, Prescott, AZ 86301 (520) 776-4035 Evangelist - Don Hooton
© 1997