Hi, I'm Lheannan, and that's a picture of my daughter and me above. Okay, it's not really a picture of us, but, since our surname is "Wolf," we do occasionally identify with them. They are fascinating creatures, after all, and, through their ancient domestication into modern day dogs, have changed the course of human history. For more info on wolves, surf over to the Expanded Index to Wolf Related Sites or The International Wolf Center. Yes, I'm an active conservationist. For another couple of my favorite "Wild World Web" links, try out the Whale-Watching Web or visit the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society. If you don't feel like getting "wet" on the web, you could check out some wildcat pages, such as Cheetah!, or the International Tiger Information Center.
So, who am I? Well, this site is a pretty good indication of that answer. I'm a computer geek by trade, my company's Systems Administrator. That means I've collected a large number of "Stupid User Tricks." I may include them in the Rainbyte Zone someday. For an uncannily accurate view of corporate life, check out The Dilbert Zone. Dogbert - a hero for the nineties!
To balance all of the computer logic in my life, I practice the illogic of many types of divination, such as Tarot cards, runes, numerology, and a method I designed myself, the Stone Oracle ©. I plan to add 'Primers' on some of these to this site at some point.
I've always been an avid reader, almost a compulsive one. My favorite genre is science fiction (gee, what a surprise...I'd bet most computer geeks fall into this category!) but I've always loved folktales and mythology, too. Some great book reviews can be found at The Linköping Science Fiction & Fantasy Archive.
As the Museums and Parks pages indicate, when I'm not sitting in front of a computer or crawling around tracing network cables, I like to gawk at the natural world, or an artist's rendition thereof. In addition to the many local museums I frequent, I've been fortunate enough to visit the Smithsonians several times, and live near both beaches and mountain ranges. A naturalist's dream!
Politically and philosophically, I'm very much a liberal. I believe quite strongly in racial, social, and gender equality, and in each person's innate right to choose their lifestyle, as long as that choice doesn't infringe upon another's rights or damage the world we must share with all of the other creatures inhabiting this planet. Despite this philosophy, or perhaps because of it, I've had to fight the urge to form a "Neuter Newt (Gingrich) Action Commitee." Oh, well...I didn't say I'd attained perfect tolerance, I'm just striving for it!
Well, if you've made it this far down the page, you're probably either really bored, trying to look busy at work, or you just haven't yet seen a link that interests you enough to jump to it, so here are a few more links to some of my favorite things:
So, there you have it...a brief intro to the Rainbow Rooms webmistress...any questions, comments or suggestions?
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This page was last updated on - Feb. 1997. "Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore!" Copyright © 1997 Lia Wolf-Gentry A member of