Rainbow Line
All Things Are ConnectedThe Rainbow Warrior - Campaigns
Rainbow Line
<BGSOUND SRC="moody.mid" AUTOSTART=TRUE LOOP=TRUE VOLUME="65" CONTROLS="SMALLCONSOLE" HEIGHT="15" WIDTH="51"> The following links lead to current environmental activism campaigns. Find one that 'speaks' to you, and join the battle. Each of us has the capability to assist in turning the tide, thereby preserving our own, and our children's, futures. A small effort by many can achieve wide-spread and lasting results, and is very, very neccessary for our own and our planet's survival.
Natural Heritage Network
The Natural Heritage Network is an international network of local conservation groups and information. Find one in your own "backyard" and get involved!
Free the Planet! Campaign
A (U.S.) national group that focuses on several major environment-threatening issues and organizes national, regional, and local protests/activities.
The Green Kibbutz National Movement, Irael
A group focused on sustainable agriculture and resource preservation, both nationally and internationally.
Gaia Forest Conservation
An international network of groups working to preserve the world's forests.
The Pure Food Campaign
This is a campaign against the genetic engineering of vegetables, fruits, and livestock.
Vegetarians International Voice for Animals
The name pretty much speaks for itself...an eloquent plea on behalf of those whose language we don't understand.

If you know of a campaign that should be included on this page, please email me.

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This page was last updated on - May 1997. "Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore!"
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