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<BGSOUND SRC="moody.mid" AUTOSTART=TRUE LOOP=TRUE VOLUME="65" CONTROLS="SMALLCONSOLE" HEIGHT="15" WIDTH="51"> The following sites provide a wide variety of information, educational material, and entertainment. Expand your horizons, learn about environmentalism, revel in the vast diversity of our beautiful planet, and learn how you can be instrumental in preserving it!
World Conservation Monitoring Center
A comprehensive international source of information on conservation issues, areas, education, research, and activism.
Communications for a Sustainable Future
A network of diverse groups founded on the idea that the preservation of the environment and wildlife doesn't necessarily conflict with a technological society, it just requires responsible stewardship.
The Consumer Recycling Resources Guide
As it's name indicates, a great source of recycling information.
C.A.U.Z. for Worldwide Conservation
The Coalition of Aquariums, Universities, and Zoological Parks. A diverse network working towards the preservation of wildlife and ecosystems, distributing information, captive breeding of endangered species, and more.
Institute For Sustainability Studies
As it's name suggests, this group focuses on the issues surrounding environmental resource sustainablity, and it's implementation.
Environmental Science
A "primer" on environmental science.
Discovery Channel Online
My favorite cable channel's online magazine. Great articles on science and nature, and a fun source of information.
The ECOLOGY Channel
Another great cable channel's magazine. This one focuses on environmental and wildlife issues.
Zoos and Aquariums of A.Z.A
The American Zoological Association certifies zoos and aquariums that meet rigorous standards of humanity, conservation, and species preservation. After mistakenly visiting one non-A.Z.A. certified zoo, I was so horrified by the inhumane conditions the animals were subjected to that I swore I'd never go to another zoo that wasn't A.Z.A certified! Please check this site before planning a vacation.

If your environmental site should be included on this page, please email me.

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This page was last updated on - May 1997. "Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore!"
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