'FEHU Rainbow Readings - Futhark Runes

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The Runes are an ancient Scandinavian invention, whose roots are lost in the mists of antiquity. They were originally an alphabet, with both mundane and esoteric meanings. Not fortune telling as such, the Runes are a kind of 'Oracle'. The belief system on which the Runes are based maintains that the future is not set; anything is possible, and therefore predicting the future per se is impossible. However, the Gods can be invited to point your attention to those events or situations which are most likely, given an existing set of circumstances.

Remember that an Oracle can never absolve you of responsibility for your actions, only steer you towards those factors which are most important in determining your own possible futures.

The Runes can never make a direct Yes/No comment on the future. As with any divination system, beware of demanding absolutes, for they can only illuminate options and possibilities. You will have more luck asking for a general interpretation of events as they stand, or are about to unfold. 'Is such and such a good idea?' will usually draw a reponse. 'Should I follow this course of action?' is also a good way to phrase a question. Also beware of asking the same question many times; the Runes will only give misleading answers. If you find a particular interpretation does not appear clear, you can ask again, but be sure to phrase your question in a slightly different manner, asking for clarification.

To cast the Runes, place all 25 in a soft fabric or leather bag, gently shake the bag, reach in and withdraw, singly, the correct number of Runes for the spread you are attempting.

The Various Runic Spreads

There are 4 types of spreads used when casting the runes.

The Futhark Runes and Their Meanings

FEHU Money, property, fulfillment, good luck, dynamic power, goals reached.

URUZ Advancement, good fortune, happiness, basic powers of manifestation.

THURISAZ Journey over water, good news from a distance, inner strength to break resistance or pass a time of waiting, take great care in making decisions.

ANSUZ Transformation, new goals, information that changes your life.

RAIDHO Journey, getting to the truth, seeing past illusions.

KENAZ The rune of craftsmen and the crafty or sly, controlled energy for dissolution.

GEBO or GIFU The exchange of force or power between the Gods and humans, wedding, legacy, promotion, windfall, outward intervention.

WUNJO Security, comfort, happiness, good social life.

HAGALAZ or HAGALL Ability to bring opposites into harmony, delays waiting for the right time.

NAUDHIZ or NIED Distress that clouds reality, something out of the past that drives you, caution needed to succeed.

ISA Period of absolute stillness, be careful what you say, proceed only with great caution.

JERA A cycle, time, reaping rewards in their season, no quick results.

EIHWAZ End of a matter, situation or problem. Drastic change, death of a relationship.

PERDHRO Chance, unexpected material gain, surprise.

ELHAZ or EOLH Visible movement, blockages removed.

SOWILO or SIGIL Change, guidance, time of renewal, complete turnaround, advancement of plans, change of residence.

TIWAZ or TIR Unbiased wisdom, justice, law and order, justified victory and success.

BERKANO or BEORC Creativity, new beginnings, birth, marriage.

EHWO or EHWAZ Trust, self-transformation, new attitude, new home, new goals, steady progress.

MANNAZ Man, lover or husband, male influence in life, new carreer opportunities, positive link with the Gods.

LAGUZ Hidden movement below the surface, no progress seen but it is occurring, life energy, manifestation coming from other planes, woman, female influence.

INGWAZ or ING Creating life-force at work, family, relatives, children, parents, spouse, benefits from relatives.

DAGAZ or DAEG Sudden realization, awakening, mystic enlightenment, attraction between two people.

OTHALAZ or OTHEL Inborn qualities, tangible possessions.

WURD or WEIRD The blank rune symbolizes the concept of Karma, the unknown, the unavoidable, the predestined.

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