HTML and Java Computer Gif

Rainbow Line Gif

This page is meant to be a starting point for those who want to learn the art (science?) of building Web pages and designing Web sites. It's almost impossible to define oneself as a 'computer geek' these days if you don't have your own Web page, and exchanging URLs is becoming as common as exchanging phone numbers. I've never met anyone who didn't have something they wanted to tell the world, so go ahead, jump in, and start creating - homestead the Web!

HTML and Java Tutorials, Information and Tools

RainByte's HTML Tags Cheat Sheet
An easy to understand, basic guide to the most commonly used HTML Web page formatting tags - literally, a cheat sheet.
DIY Guide to HTML and JavaScript
A great place to start gathering information. Very basic instruction in HTML.
NCSA--A Beginner's Guide to HTML Home Page
A more in depth reference to HTML. Definitely worth a bookmark.
The HTML Reference Library
A downloadable Windows (3.1 and 95) help file. Searchable, and can be used in-line with many HTML editors.
The Java Programming Tutorial
An online version of a popular Java programming reference manual.
Ask The Java Pro
A searchable resource of answers to common questions. You can also submit your own questions.
The Java Starter
Sun's page offering links to their Java resources.
A great source of information and tools for Web page programmers. Look here if you have a programming need and don't know where to go to address it.
Web Page Elements- Graphics, Music, Etc.

The Java House
Java applets available for free download, new ones added regularly.
Rainbow Graphics Page
My page of links to backgrounds, images, icons, and animations.
Rainbow Music and Movies
My page of links to multimedia resources on the web.
Web Page Validators

Doctor HTML v5
A site that will check your HTML document for errors and validate it's links and structure.
WebTechs Validation Service
Another site to check the accuracy of your page(s).

After creating your Web masterpiece, you'll need a place to display it. Why not try out Geocities? You can get your own Free Home Page. Homestead the Web in the neighborhood of your choice!

Rainbow Line Gif
Rainbow Home | Ecology | Metaphysics | Divination Systems | ...And More
Rainbow Line Gif

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This page was last updated on - Mar. 1997. "Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore!"
Copyright © 1997 Lia Wolf-Gentry A member of
The HTML Writers Guild 1