The MS-DOS(tm) Operating System

Table of Contents

Why should I learn about MS-DOS?

Although the majority of PC users now use some form of Graphical User Interface (GUI), such as Windows(tm), it is still very common to run into an older system that is not equipped with the latest, greatest software. In that instance, a knowledge of MS-DOS (or UNIX) is essential. It is also helpful for Windows(tm) users to know something about the operating system that PCs are based on, in the event you run into problems with Windows. The following is a quick reference to the most common commands and operations for a MS-DOS-based system.

You should learn about the MS-DOS filing system used to organize the files stored on the computer. All PCs use a hierarchical filing structure, with the root (main) directory consisting of the entire disk, and all other directories stemming from it. These other directories often have other directories (sub-directories) stemming from themselves, and so on. All files are contained within this directory structure. Think of a tree - it's base is the root, it's main branches the directories off of the root, it's smaller branches subdirectories within the larger directories, and it's leaves are the files in the directories and subdirectories.

The MS-DOS filing system is maintained using the directory manipulation commands: MD (Make Directory), RD (Remove Directory), and CD (Change Directory).

You can use the DISKCOPY command to duplicate entire floppy diskettes, the COPY command to copy individual files onto other disks, and the BACKUP and RESTORE commands (or other alternatives like tape backup systems) to copy entire hard disks to other media.

MS-DOS Commands

Disk Commands

Prepares a disk so that MS-DOS can use it. Formatting a disk erases all the information on the disk, and prepares the disk's surface to store files. Example: FORMAT A:

Checks a disk for problems and repairs corrupted disks. A disk can develop inconsistencies and errors over time. Example: CHKDSK C: /F or SCANDISK C:

Duplicates diskettes. Use this command to copy important diskettes, like newly purchased programs. Note: it is legal for a purchaser to copy program diskettes for personal backup purposes only. Giving a copy of a program diskette away, or copying someone else's program diskette is copyright infringement, and illegal. Example: DISKCOPY A: A:

Directory Commands

Makes a directory or subdirectory on the disk. Example: MD C:\GAMES

Removes empty directories or subdirectories from the disk. Example: RD C:\DOS

Removes a directory, all subdirectories within that directory, and all files within that directory and it's subdirectories. Example: DELTREE C:\GAMES

Changes the current working directory. Example: CD C:\GAMES

A list of directories where MS-DOS should search for programs. This statement is used in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Example: PATH C:\;C:\DOS;C:\GAMES;

File Copying & Backup Commands

Copies files between disks or directories. Example: COPY C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT A:

Copies files, or entire directories with their subdirectories, to other disks or directories. Example: XCOPY C:\DOS C:\OLD_DOS /S

Copies entire hard disks onto many floppy diskettes to create a backup copy of the hard disk. Example: BACKUP C:\*.* A: /S /F

Restores the BACKUP files back onto your hard disk. Note: you must use the same version of RESTORE.EXE as the BACKUP.EXE that was used to backup the files you wish to restore. Example: RESTORE A: C:\*.* /S

File Management Commands

Changes the attributes of a file. The options are R)ead/Write, RO)ReadOnly, H)idden, S)ystem, A)rchive. Example: ATTRIB MS-DOS.SYS -H
Lists the files in a directory or disk. It includes file and directory names, file sizes, and file creation dates. Use /P to pause after each screenful, or /W to display just the file and directory names in a wide format. Example: DIR C:\

Displays the contents of a file on your computer screen. Example: TYPE C:\CONFIG.SYS

Deletes files from the disk. Example: DEL C:\TEMP.TXT

Changes the name of a file. Example: REN TEMP.LTR NEWNAME.LTR
Sets the version of DOS to be reported for the file specified. This command must first be loaded in your CONFIG.SYS file before it can be used to change the version reporting. Example: SETVER RESTORE.EXE 5.00

Other Commands

Changes the MS-DOS command prompt from C> to whatever you wish. Place the command 'PROMPT $P$G' in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to display your current working directory in the prompt.

Displays and changes the current date. If your computer does not have a real-time clock installed, put the DATE command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Example: DATE

Displays and changes the current time. Example: TIME

Changes various settings for the screen, serial ports, and printer ports. Example: MODE CO80

A text editor used to modify files like AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS. Note: always make backup copies of system files before editing them. Example: EDIT C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT

MS-DOS Glossary

Below are a few common MS-DOS terms and their definitions.
A file containing commands that are run whenever the computer is turned on. This saves you from having to type the same commands (PATH, DATE, TIME, PROMPT, MODE, etc.) every time you start the computer. Edit this file only if you are very knowledgable about computers.

The MS-DOS configuration file. The CONFIG.SYS file can be customized for the hardware available in your computer and some programs may need some specific CONFIG.SYS settings. Edit this file only if you are very knowledgable about computers.

A way to group similar files on your disk. You control the organization of this computer filing system. A directory that is inside another directory is called a subdirectory. Think of a tree - it's base is the root, it's main branches the directories off of the root, it's smaller branches subdirectories within the larger directories, and it's leaves are the files in the directories and subdirectories.

Information stored on a disk. For example, a word processing program, the documents it creates, and its spelling dictionary are all stored as separate files on your computer disks.

The different releases of DOS. The versions still in use are 2.0 through 6.22. Some MS-DOS modules, such as BACKUP.EXE, RESTORE.EXE, MEM.EXE, and EDIT.EXE, are version-dependent - they will only work with the version of DOS they were created for. Use SETVER to change the version reported to the system.

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