In the aggregation of matter, force or energy is stored up or
In the dissociation of matter, force is liberated.
All matter is in a state of perpetual activity, whether the
substance under consideration be inanimate or animated, visible or
There is no dividing of matter and force into two distinct terms,
as they both are ONE. FORCE is liberated matter. Matter is force in
All motion is synchronous; no sound or movement can be made but all
that moves or sounds does so in harmony with something.
All structures, whether crystalline or homogeneous, have for their
unit structures minute bodies called molecules. It is the motion of
these molecules with which we have particularly to deal; as in
experimental research and demonstration, when we produce an action upon
one molecule we do so upon all the molecules constituting the mass
operated upon.
These molecules have an envelope, rotating with inconceivable
rapidity, formed of a high tenuous ether, whose place in the order of
subdivision ranks third, the three divisions being, - first, molecular,
second, atomic; third, atomolic. (For convenience sake we will use the
term atomolic in place of etheric in our subsequent definitions.)
This atomolic substance has a density approximately 986,000 times
that of steel, enabling it to permeate steel as light penetrates glass;
this rotating envelope of atomolic substance is in a LIQUID condition.
There are four conditions of matter; viz. SOLID, LIQUID, GASEOUS, and
ULTRA-GASEOUS. These conditions result from greater or lesser range of
oscillation of the composing units individually: this is equally true,
whether the units are molecules, atoms, atomoles, planets, or suns. BUT
This molecular envelope, rotating with such great velocity, holds
in its embrace the next subdivision of matter, the atomic. There cannot
ever be more or less than three atoms in any molecule. These are placed
so as to form a triangle in the interior; they rest in a condition of
substance, or matter, we will term inter-molecular. In this inter-
molecular substance we find an enormous energy or force in bondage, held
thus by the rotating envelope enclosing it. Were we to rotate a spun
brass shell, say nine inches in diameter, at a very much less rate of
speed than that at which the molecular envelope rotates, - say nine
hundred revolutions per second, - its equator would first bulge out,
then form into an oval disc. A solid block of wood subject to such
revolution would swiftly fly to pieces.
The rotating envelope of a molecule, unlike these, the greater its velocity of rotation, the greater is its compression toward the centre of the molecule. The rotation of this envelope is of such a nature as to produce an internal pressure upon every portion from every point of the molecule as a sphere. Were we to consider a rotating envelope as ordinarily understood, it would be one in which the envelope rotated around an equator having poles of no rotation; i.e. the poles would not possess the compressing force of the equator: the result would therefore be a compressed equator, and the inter-molecular substance would pass out without resistance at the poles.
If it be possible let us conceive of an envelope with an equator,
but destitute of poles, a number of these rotating over the sphere, this
atomolic envelope possessing an almost infinite attractive force toward
the centre of the molecule, pressing in the inter-molecular substance,
whee it is held until this revolving envelope becomes negatized by a
certain order of vibration, when the enclosed matter rushes out to its
natural condition of concordant tenuity, as in the case of gunpowder,
dynamite, and nitro-glycerine.
This force, we must see, has been held in the embrace of the rotating envelopes of the unit-structures, or where does it come from? This force at the time of an explosion was liberated by shock or fire, both being orders of imparted motion or vibration. How much greater the result would be were we to associate a scientific instrument now competed, and shortly to be given to the world, with such an agent as nitro-glycerine; one pound of nitro- glycerine would have its destructive force augmented beyond all possible control.
These instruments are carefully concealed by wise masters from all persons save the few who are already prepared to study their potency with the exclusive end in view of aiding the real scientific progress of humanity; and, furthermore, it ay be truly stated that a ferocious sensualist, however powerful his intellect, would be utterly unable to either comprehend or operate one of these marvellous constructions.
Next in order of consideration is the second subdivision of matter
- the atomic. The atom has the same rotating envelope as the molecule,
governed by the same laws of rotation and compression. The rotating
envelope holds in its embrace the inter-atomic substance and three
atomoles resting in it, the atomoles within the atom being constructed
after the same pattern as the atom and the molecule, obedient to the
same laws; the atomolic being simply the third subdivision of matter.
The threefold order is absolutely universal.
The atomolic substance is what is termed the ether which fills all
space and is the transmitting medium for all celestial and terrestrial
forces. This is the LIQUID ETHER of occult science.
The atomoles are made up of atomolini (singular atomolinus); the
subdivision of matter from this point is beyond man's power, as at this
point it escapes all control of apparatus, passing through glass and
hardened steel as a luminous flame without heat, which is hardly seen
before it vanishes, - a perpetual flame coldly luminous.
This again, from previous analysis, is made up according to the
triple order, and may again be subject to subdivision, even to infinity.
The law which governs the triple aggregation of force and matter is (in brief) :
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