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Alright...all you missing people in my life, speak up...I miss you guys.

Parents...I have one word for you that you NEVER want to hear come out of your child's mouth. "Everquest" While the game itself was a nice idea Sony/SOE has taken customer service to a whole new level of hell. Meet my latest RPG/addiction...This time in the form of a MORPG (massive online role playing game. You get an entire world to explore, people to meet, things to do and if you think your kid whines when you don't let him have that one extra cookie wait until he does the same quest four times and due to programming errors can't complete it and the Sony/SOE Customer service teams responce (after 6hours waiting on line for a rep) is "oh well, just do it again". Be prepared for DAYS of whining or more...and if you are an adult trying to play this game, like myself...dear god...don't waste your money...go buy a root cannal..it will be less time consuming and less annoying. You see "customer service" is actually a term Sony/SOE uses to describe some gerbil that gets a treat when it pushes the red button. The red button is linked to an automated responce that is sent to the top person on the /petition list (/petition is what you do when the game screws you over yet again) 5 hours after it is recieved. It says something along the lines of...

"Greetings GM Gerbil here in responce to your petition. I am sorry you have had so much trouble with your quest but we are unable to return any items you have lost in your quest attempts and unable to give you the result of your quest despite all your hard work. You should try the quest again and hopefully have better results! Thank you for playing EverQuest and happy Questing!"

Now let me translate this for you...and I will try to keep this rated "G" for our younger viewers...

"Greetings GM Gerbil here in responce to your petition. I am sorry you have had so much trouble with your quest but due to the fact this responce comes from a gerbil not a human, we are unable to return any items you have lost in your quest attempts and unable to give you the result of your quest despite all your hard work. Hmmm, the movies over...one sec while I start the next one... You should try the quest again and hopefully have better results and if you don't...because I actually know you won't...don't send in another petition cause the gerbil is almost full for the night! Thank you for playing EverQuest and paying us to do absolutly nothing!!"

But see here in lies the problem...we can whine and complain and ultimatly do nothing because we have wasted so much time and money into this hell hole that we can't just give up now...so take my advice...don't get started. Wait for Blizzard's new MORPG..they are a MUCH better company and it is SURE to be a far superior product.

Parts of my World...

Caged Bird ©

The caged bird sings

with a fearful trill

of things unknown

but longed for still

and his tune is heard

on the distant hills

for the caged bird

sings of freedom.

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