-Updated 11/97

We may sanctify the week in two different ways. As our Jewish brothers and sisters sanctify the whole week by observance of the Sabbath, so we sanctify the week by Sunday observance. Christians also consecrate the week by dedicating each day to specific devotions, as follows:

Daily Devotions among Western Catholics:

Sunday - The Holy Trinity (or the Resurrection of Christ)
Monday - The Holy Spirit (or the Holy Souls in Purgatory)
Tuesday - The Holy Angels
Wednesday - Saint Joseph
Thursday - The Blessed Sacrament
Friday - The Passion of Christ (or the Sacred Heart)
Saturday - The Blessed Virgin Mary
Daily Devotions among Byzantine Christians:
Sunday - The Resurrection of Christ
Monday - The Holy Angels
Tuesday - The Forerunner, Saint John the Baptizer
Wednesday - The All-Holy Theotokos (Mother of God)
Thursday - The Apostles Peter and Paul and Saint Nicholas of Myra
Friday - The Holy Cross
Saturday - All Saints
Daily Memorials in Maronite Catholicism:
Sunday - The Resurrection
Monday - The Holy Angels
Tuesday - I. Prophets, the Just, Confessors / II. Bishops, Priests, Doctors and Monks
Wednesday - The Virgin Mary, Mother of God
Thursday - Apostles and Four Evangelists
Friday - Martyrs
Saturday - Faithful Departed
Many prayerbooks contain prayers for each day of the week, often based on the devotions listed above. These may also be helpful, depending on your taste in prayer.

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