I have come to realize that something strange must have been led me to chose to "settle" in Athens.
When I set out, I traveled to Heartland to stake a claim near some of my poodle friends. But there were "no vacancy" signs all over the immediate neighborhood. Instead of searching the suburbs, I "wandered off" -- seeking a home far afield. (Perhaps I have inherited a sense of adventure from my great grandfather who came to Oregon on the second wagon train over the Barlow Road.) Whether I took a freeway or a "road less travelled" I don't recall -- but somehow, I found myself in Athens. The historic Barlow Road, Western Oregon |
It is very rare for me to even think about the fact that I have a B.A. in Philosophy. | |
Philosophers seek answers to questions that others never ask. As I have thought about what led me to settle in Athens, I have realized that I have a lot of questions.