This week we celebrate the Thanksgiving Day holiday, but just how did the celebration begin? How come we eat turkey instead of pork? Has Thanksgiving always been celebrated at the same time? Follow the links below to have some fun and answer some important questions about Thanksgiving, turkeys, and the people that are responsible for bringing the two together.
When did the first Thanksgiving take place and where? On what days has the holiday been celebrated? Click here to learn about the history of Thanksgiving. Here is another site that gives a few details about that bird with the big drum sticks.
Now that you have learned some of the basics about the holiday, take a look at this site to learn about that first dinner and what it was really like!
I guarantee that you will learn some things about turkeys from this web page.
So, do you think you are a "know-it-all" when it comes to Thanksgiving? Try this Thanksgiving quiz!