Common Errors
Common Errors in Malay Language Usage (1)
Focus for today: Words denoting plurality
Errors often arise when words denoting plurality are used in sentences. Examples of such words are 'semua' (all), 'berbagai-bagai' (various), 'segelintir' (a small number of), para (word used to denote more than one respectable person) and 'sesetengah' (some) Used singly, duplicated words show plurality. Hence, kuda-kuda means horses, buku-buku means books and so on.
Note the following sentences which are considered wrong regarding the use of words denoting plurality.
1. a) Semua pelajar-pelajar memakai uniform sekolah. (X)
b) Semua pelajar memakai uniform sekolah. (/)
(Note: 'Semua' itself shows plurality, so the word that follows it need not be duplicated to indicate so.)
2. a) Berbagai-bagai acara-acara diadakan pada Hari Guru. (X)
b) Berbagai-bagai acara diadakan pada Hari Guru. (/)
(Note: 'Berbagai-bagai' which means 'various' shows that it is more than one, so it is unnecessary to duplicate the word that follows it to indicate plurality.)
3. a) Segelintir pemandu-pemandu kereta masih melanggar peraturan lalu lintas. (X)
b) Segelintir pemandu kereta masih melanggar peraturan lalu lintas. (/)
(Note: It is not necessary to use 'pemandu-pemandu' (drivers) after 'segelintir' which bears the meaning of 'a small number of'.)
4. a) Para pemimpin-pemimpin hendaklah menunjukkan teladan yang baik. (X)
b) Para pemimpin hendaklah menunjukkan teladan yang baik. (/)
(Note: Since 'para' indicates plurality, the word that follows it should not be duplicated.)
c) Para perompak sudah ditangkap oleh polis. (X)
d) Semua perompak itu sudah ditangkap oleh polis. (/)
(Note: 'Para' can only be used in front of a person who is respected by others. As perompak (robbers) are despised by others, 'para' cannot precede it. It can be replaced with 'semua'.)
5. a) Sesetengah guru-guru pandai bergurau. (X)
b) Sesetengah guru pandai bergurau. (/)
(Note: No duplication of the word 'guru' is necessary as 'sesetengah' which means 'some' indicates plurality.)
c) Setengah guru suka melancong. (X)
d) Sesetenah guru suka melancong. (/)
(Note: The word 'setengah' means 'half'. As such, 'setengah guru' means 'half a teacher' which is illogical. 'Sesetengah' is the correct word to be used here.)
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