Merry Meet and
Good Journies to you travelor. I trust that you have stumbled upon my
site for reasons unbeknownst to you!
Here is where I share my soul with you Anam Chara. I am here to serve, heal, protect and help those in need of an awakening! Thoughout these pages I leave you with my own personal Journey of Awakenings. My intent is that they speak to you as much as they have spoken to me. And also to aid your awakening to happen! |
Anger is justified only when it seeks to prevent the repition of an injustice Go check out my page dedicated to my Mom! |
"I would do it all over
again in a heartbeat, for the heartbeat was yours" |
Awaken to your Real Self. Question everything
you believe. Undo your sense of guilt. Authenticate your Self. Refuse
to be who you're not. Individuate your Self. Unleash your potential.
Say YES to Life! "This above all: To thine own Self be true. And it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man." - Shakespeare "Help me laugh at my childish, 'egoholic' arrogance and folly for believing I have the magical power to change the way I was created." |
My daughter... Full of life and red hair! |