This site used to feature some version the sunflower image above on almost every page. The image was scanned in from a photograph taken of a original painting by Joan E. Spik. Mrs Spik copied the Sunflower from a photo she took while standing on a picnic table at the Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream factory somewhere in the wilds of middle America. The actually sunflower must have been grown By God, with the help of Ben or possibly Jerry who would have done some extra watering or planting or something.

    The whole reason I even bring this up is that, at one time, my Brother Al, claimed that he had "created the sunflower out of little more than water, dirt and sunlight" and further he said that he later took the picture from which my Mother painted her painting. Al told this scurrilous lie for two reasons. The first reason was jealousy. Al was jealous of my fine web site so he wished to claim a part of it. The second reason was an age old one Al simply wanted attention so here you go Al , attention. 
    Please feel free to click on one of Al's Heads, in order to E mail him or else visit his website.

    By the way Al, If you have a better, or even more recent picture, of your head please send it to me so i might incorporate it into this page, for purposes of accuracy, naturally.  This spot, as well as the entire Rhiz/Zone, is being reenvisioned even as we speak/Spik.

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