In our journey with the Lord, we find certain events in our lives that cause suffering and great opportunity for spiritual growth. The year 1967 was such a spiritual turning point in my walk with Jesus.
Late in the year 1966 my mother was suffering from colon cancer. The disease was growing worse. Soon we were to hire someone to stay with her while the family worked. God sent us a blessing. We found a holy Ghost filled saint to help out.
Our family was trying to make ends meet. My father, sister and her child, mother, and myself were pooling our funds to take care of expenses of the home. Dad thought it good to appoint me bookkeeper for the family. This was difficult at times, because our family wasn't given to instruction from God. My mother and I had received the baptism of the holy Ghost. My father was jealous of the love we had for God. He asked me, "Why can't you stay at home on Sundays with me". I responded, "Dad you can go with us on Sundays". After our conversation about our attending worship services, he didn't try persuading me again.
The apostle Paul wrote, "we wrestle not against flesh & blood but against principalities, against spiritual powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places". When people of faith are having daily relationships in conversations and in the same house with people of unbelief there will be spiritual warfare. We can be aware of the warfare or unaware of the warfare, regardless, it is there.
God had wonderfully prepared me for this testing of faith. Our pastor was a wise man in God. He wrote a number of gospel tracts on a variety of subjects. The gospel tracts that helped me were All things, Stand Still In Jordan, Trials Are Opportunities, Patience, and Worthy To Suffer. The peace of God could be felt after reading the gospel tracts. A calmness came over me many times during those most pressured moments. It was the effect of his inspired writing that helped me through those moments. I thank God for His help.
My dad wasn't without concern for mother. He knew mother loved the Holiness people so he invited some to our home to have a prayer meeting for my mother's healing. When the saints of God came, it was a wonderful time seeking God. The power of God fell wonderfully during their stay. God showed me something I had never seen before. Mother fell out under the spirit of God like a person dead. I thought sure she would be healed. When she regained her thoughts, she asked who touched her. I was hoping this was the moment the Lord would heal my mother, but God had other plans.
Finance was becoming a problem. We did fine until the end of the week. The food in the house would run low. I remember walking to the grocery store praying as I walked, telling God we needed some help, I think there was fifty cents in my pocket enough for canned food. Mother couldn't eat any types of food unless it was soft foods. That morning she had asked about some chicken pastry and other things. Tears were flowing from my eyes as I progress to the store and returned home. When I entered the house, the lady helping us, told me, we had a telephone call. It was Mrs. Harrison. She wanted me to come to her house. When I arrived, I was surprised. She had a platter of food and wanted to help us. God had heard my prayer. Not only did He give us food. He gave mother's request that morning, a good chef indeed.
Someone could say, "that was by chance", well, a similar situation happened again. At the end of the week, our housekeeper told me, "we need to pray- the food is low". So we did. It wasn't long before we heard a knock on the front door. It was Mr. Bob Aycock, owner of a grocery store. He had two bags of groceries in his hands. He told me, "your mother and dad were good to us while living near our home so I wanted to do something for them." God the Provider did it again. Wonderful Lord!
I spent much time seeking God during the weeks ahead. One night I was praying about my sister. The Lord appeared at a desk and he was shaking his head. I knew what he meant, because I was praying concerning my sister. The spirit of God lifted me up and directed me to her room. We started to talk about the Lord and she relayed her experience as a young girl in a holiness meeting. She told me how light she felt, like flying. It was wonderful to feel the communication we were having. I thought sure she would begin serving the Lord; however, it didn't happen. If only we could retain those moments of great joy.
A similar situation occurred with my father. I was praying constantly during this time. My dad was on my mind while talking with God. I could feel the spirit leading me to go talk with Dad. When our conversation started, I asked him if he wanted to start attending our worship services. He responded, " you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink". What could I say, he was right. Little did I know he would be in a grave within a short time.
Events were happening quickly. Going through the funeral was another test of faith. Relatives visiting, planning arrangements, knowing the pressure some wanted to place on you with the common religious quotes, "he was a good man", "he was ready to go". Oh! How I wish that was the case. I knew he wasn't prepared.
Shortly after these events mother had to be placed in a hospital. Feeding her at home was a difficult task. It was hard to make this decision. Yet, I knew it was better on her.
During this time in my life, I was greatly helped by my soon to be wife. She had been attending our worship services where God wonderfully baptized her with the holy Ghost according to Acts 2:4. Betty was a great help to me. She gave me someone to communicate with about spiritual matters. Understanding is a great strength. Becoming one in the spirit of God isn't always noticed at first. It is a work of God uniting. Being made "one" was happening to us and it was wonderful. People ask us on occasions, "did you date?" We were so excited about the things of God we hardly noticed. We traveled to visit my pastor, George C. Clark, on week-ends, attended worship services, and visited others. Usually, my mother was in attendance. When there were questions about us being together, Brother Clark would assure the concerned. We tried and did keep our affairs open. I was unaware that people were watching our activities. Actually, it took Pastor Clark questioning me to realize I was in love with Betty. I was visiting his home when he asked me if I thought about marrying. Then he mentioned a young lady, I replied, " she was nice and had the holy Ghost but didn't understand the truth." Then I thought, if there was someone, it would be Betty Briley. She understood the truth and had suffered for it. Betty had responded to the way of God with sincerity and faith when I first met her. That impressed me. Then when others resisted the gospel she held fast to the way of Jesus showed her. It took a holy desire to want the righteousness of God. On July 11, 1967 Betty and I were officially married. We had many laughs concerning the place of vows, the Justice of the Peace had his office connected to a fish market. Some called it "holy mackerelmony". Well, it has worked through the years with God's help and is expanding every day. God's love is eternal and without God revealing himself, we can't understand the all things in His love, exceedingly large.
We moved out of one house to another house. There again God went before us, a cloud by day and a fire by night. My company helped furnish the paint and the wall paper. My Uncle Joe was a painter and a wonderful man of God. He gladly gave his services. God had done it again. Help when it was needed.
All things was unfolding in front of me. It took the merciful hand of God in the coming months to step forward in faith. One morning I was visiting my mother in the hospital when she told me about angels coming and singing at the end of the bed. Then later, she related an event that took her from the hospital bed to another place which she described as a waiting area. She was unconscious on earth but waiting in another world for them to come get her. Once some saints came to visit her while mother was unconscious. The saints prayed to talk with her and she awoke, then carried on a conversation. Afterward, she went back into a coma. Oh! The peace you could feel. The doctors and nurses felt it. The Prince of Peace was near.
Many tears were shed for my mother. I thought she would be healed. God knew better. November 1, 1967 mother crossed over Jordan. Two loved ones taken out of my life, a dad and a mom, plus a sister going in a different direction. It could have been too much, "but God", a big difference. Trust God are simple words, "but God", are short answers, yet, God is a big God. Trust God, friend, and God will see you through all things. He did for me. This was part of my journey 1967.