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Web Search Tools:
General Search Tools: International
The big international directories, search engines, and the
search engines that search several search engines at once.
- WebCrawler
Always good, it is even better since privatisation.
- Excite Home
Magellan is a variation of Excite.
One of the best places to start research.
- SavvySearch
SavvySearch quickly obtains a few listings from a number
of search engines.
This identifies which big search engines are
the best starting points for specific keywords.
- EuroSeek
One of the best search engines in the world.
Principally European resources.
- Yahoo!
One of the oldest directories,
it has expanded with the Internet.
Still one of the best places to start.
- One
Page, Direct Query
The best place to use if you need to search
many search engines, one after another.
Approximately 70 search tool listings at the last count,
and still growing.
- WWWomen
Subject Directory for women online.
The place to find the webpage for the attorney
who specialises in petlaw
& using antidiscrimination legislation to
keep NY petowners and pets together & in their home;
the place to find the camapaign ad.s for the women
running for Judge's positions in US judicial elections.
- Oikeusinformatiikan
This Finnish index was the best world wide guide to
gopher sites
in the days before the wwweb took over.
Now it's on the web, and it's still very good.
- ApolloBased in the UK.
- Starting Point
- Inktomi
- HotBot
Inktomi variant.
Very useful research tool.
- AltaVista:
Main Page
Simple queries
Harder to use, but much more useful than the simple query
Alta Vista is an oddity: many men seem to really like it,
whereas many women seem far less enthusiastic.
- Lycos
Since it was privatised Lycos has become overloaded with
Still has good links, but set the day aside before you
start using it.
Matilda Australian - American Search Engine
- Infoseek
- The Infohiway:
Surf-N-Search Engine Home Page
Solon has not yet tried this engine.
- World
Wide Web Worm
Still good.
- W3
Search Engines
List from from Cambridge University, UK.
- Inference Find!
-- Home Page and Resource Center
Search engine with fuzzy logic facility.
- SiteWinder Smart
- All-in-One
Similar to SavvySearch.
- The Internet Sleuth
Similar to SavvySearch.
- ProFusion
Similar to SavvySearch.
- Internet
Not yet tried by Solon.
A new search tool developed by 2 US librarians.
- Welcome to INFOMINE:
Scholarly Internet Resource Collections
Good social science directory; US.
- The
Social Science Information Gateway - SOSIG
The Top Page
Top of this page
Solon's Navigators
The Suggestions Box
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or using cascading style sheets.
Until most browsers support one option or the other, and there
are common standards,
no frames or style sheets will be used.
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