Off Web Search Tools

  1. Search Gopher Space
  2. Search FTP Sites
  3. Hytelnet - telnet access to library catalogs
  4. Liszt: Searchable Directory of E-Mail Discussion Groups
    The moderated mailing lists are often the best ones.
  5. Legal Discussion Groups
    The NSW Law Foundation Discussion Groups.
  6. Attorney-General's: WorldWide Listing
    Every AG in the world.
  7. Law Journals Online
    Cambridge University list.
  8. Directory of Law-Related Journals
  9. List of Law Booksellers and Publishers
    Cambridge University list.
  10. Email/Lawyer directories
  11. Australian Lawyers Email Directory
  12. Four11 Directory Services
    Email directory.
  13. AccuMail
  14. Find a Person
  15. Australasian Legal Information Institute
    Use the Sino search engine to reach good law list links.
  16. Hieros Gamos
    One Section is basically a huge law list.
  17. TALL - The Australian Law List
    and more. In the Directories at Lawnet.
    Good list, good links.

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