Site Guide for the 27th Pursuit Squadron Page

27th Pursuit Squadron site guide


July 15, 1997
The first reviews are in, and boy, are you guys kind

The site has begun to generate response, and i'm plenty happy about that.

"I am very interested in your view of the 18 September mission in which Wehner was killed. I am working on a painting of this incident right now and have not, like you, discovered the number of his plane. I would like to make the painting as accurate as possible and of course this would be helpful. As it is, I can "invent" a plausible number, but it would be helpful to know what it actually was. If you ever run across this, I would be grateful to know of it." author/artist Michael O'Neal.

Anybody out there got the answer?

As an editor, reporter and writer, the Internet offers me a luxury that print media does not: the ability to publish drafts of a project and solicit criticism - constructive or otherwise - that can be incorporated into subsequent versions. I hope someday to see this story in print under my name, and it's my intention to work out the kinks in my understanding of it beforehand.

Site contents

27th Squadron and 1st Pursuit Group

Summary of my research:This is the meat of the site - a history of the 27th divided into 13 sections. This link will carry you to the Table of Contents for the text.

Flight roster of the 27th Squadron, annotated with kills and notes.

Frank Luke Jr.'s victories, by date and type, with notes.

Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker biographical materials.


Plenty of links here, but I would love to get some new ones. Please suggest.


This site lives to pose questions and see if anyone out there has any answers. Stop by here to see what I am pondering and try to crack some mysteries.


Most of the graphic images at this site were stolen from other places on the web. If you see one of your graphics here and don't like that I'm using it, by all means tell me - I'll drop it immediately. I am always on the hunt for more images to put on this site, so if you have anything to contribute, please e-mail them to me as attachments.

The author

Stuff about me. My feelings aren't hurt if you don't stop by here.

Comment or contribute to me at 1997

