What self-respecting web site now adays does not have a section of links? I periodically check these, to make sure they're all working fine, and haven't been changed under my nose. If you happen to find one I've missed, please let me know and it will be fixed. Not all of these are Pagan *gasp*. Some are here for diversionary purposes only. Which, if you think about it, is generally what the web has become - a giant diversion, with a smattering of education added in for fun. I've seperated these into catagories, and each has a way to get back to the top, for easier navigation. If you'd like to add your page to this list, please let me know that too!
I was amazed to see there are bunches of resources on the web regarding Stregheria. Though, these have emerged only in the last year.
There are TONS of pages dedicated to Wicca on the Internet. I'd be a fool to try to list them all...so here are some of my favourites:
Not just dedicated to Wicca, but a more general view of Paganism:
Yes, folx....even I have friends. This list is for people who don't have links in other places on this page. (Because, really, who wants 27 links to Feast's page on their links page, hrmmm? *grin*duck*) So here is a listing of my friends, some from Real Life, some from Virtual Reality, but all of them super spifferious people!
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