Starry Nite's Place
In Inner Space

Hi, my name is Sharon. I am 41 years old. I arrived in the cyber world on December 16, 1996, and I quickly became addicted. My first week online, all I did was work, sleep, eat, and spend time online and I didn't sleep very much, I'll tell you. *LOL* Now I have come back to the real world a bit, but I still love the time I spend online. The above pic of me is from last year. More (older) pics of me.


I am a person who loves to learn. I have always loved to read books. I particularly enjoy spiritual and self-improvement books. I am very interested in the power of the mind. A few years ago, I discovered the Conversations With God books by Neale Donald Walsch. I was so fascinated by these books that I set up an email discussion list. To join the email discussion list, please click the words "Conversations With God" above.

Some of my other favorite books are:

The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield,

Illusions and Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach,

Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain,

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay,

A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson,

Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman,

Feeling Good by Dr David Burns,

You Can Have it All by Arnold Patent,

Codependent No More and Beyond Codependency by Melody Beattie,

Dare to be Yourself by Alan Cohen,

Dare to Connect by Susan Jeffers

and The Starseed Transmissions by Ken Carey.


I am very interested in spiritual growth and self improvement. I was introduced to A Course In Miracles about 9 years ago and it has really changed the way I see things. I am also interested in holistic health, saving the environment, animals and nature (I love long walks). I am a vegetarian. I have also studied astrology and the Tarot. I am always interested in getting into a discussion about these topics. I love interesting, deep discussions.


I am so interested in holistic health, that I have started an email list at onelist to discuss this topic. To find out more about my list, you can click here. To sign up for the list click here and send a blank email. Through my pursuit for health and vitality I have recently made a new discovery and have become interested in the benefits of eating living raw foods. To visit a great website and learn more click below. Click Here to Visit:
Click here to Visit

I have always been an animal lover. I have 2 dogs and 3 cats. Two of my cats, Sydney and Kirby, are my pride and joy.

Here they are:

The way these two guys chase each other and play fight is really funny. It looks so serious sometimes, with all the hissing and growling and wrestling on the floor. But they are just playing.

I love these guys so much that I make their cat food for them. They are raw fooders also. I want them to live long, healthy lives so I make them food that is as close to nature intended as possible. I am on a list called Holisticat which is for people who are interested in holistic cat care. If you are interested in visiting the Holisticat website or joining the list, click here.

Sydney, above, is my little Dennis the Menace. He gets into everything. He loves nothing more than to eat and that's what he's usually after when he is getting into something. He would be a moose if I let him eat as much as he wanted. He is always on the lookout for ways to get extra food. He follows me everywhere in the house hoping to get some. He's a very affectionate cat. When I hold him, he puts his paws around my neck and "hugs" me.

Kirby, above, is the sweetest, most gentle cat I have ever known. He wouldn't hurt a fly. He doesn't really like to be held, but he can be very affectionate when he wants to be. He is my little angel.



I have loved animals since I was a little girl. Several years ago, I went to see the movie Project X. On the way out I noticed a table set up in the lobby. There was a lot of info about how animals are treated cruelly. I decided that I wanted to help animals. I didn't know about a lot of the things that go on. I find that a lot of people don't. If you are interested in learning more, please click on the following Peta link. Thank you.
People for 
the Ethical Treatment of Animals

I put this link here as a dedication to Olivia, a cat in Indiana, who was cruelly set on fire by 2 students there.

Olivia, I'm so sorry that this happened to you. I love you.

A few years ago, I took some lessons in the Bob Ross method of painting. I really enjoy it. This is the first painting that I painted:

Here are some more:

I recently became interested in crocheting again and have started an email list for people who are making the sampler afghan from the pattern leaflet entitled 63 Easy-to-Crochet Pattern Stitches Combine to Make an Heirloom Afghan.

I am working on that afghan now and I thought it might be fun to meet others who are working on it and share tips, thoughts and maybe even pics. To join the email discussion list, please click the words "63 Easy-to-Crochet...." above.

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