Write an essay (minimum of three pages - space and a half, Times font, size 14) on any of the following themes from A Streetcar Named Desire. If you feel another theme is appropriate, that is fine. Please run it by me first, though.
Your essay will be graded primarily on the depth of thought demonstrated and on your ability to communicate with me how this play made you think, or how it might even possibly alter your view of life.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of essay themes:
Fantasy vs. Reality
Purity vs. Impurity
Sexual confusion
Abuse of loved ones
Mental instability
Basing a relationship on need
What you think love is
Macho and manly - are they the same, different? Is Stanley either, neither, or both?
Would you females like a Stanley in your life? Why or why not?
Comment on Blanche’s statement, "Yes, I want Mitch very badly. I want to deceive him enough to want me."
Character analysis of any major character
Being creative, continue the play from its endpoint on.