

Our Newborn Grandson


We are thrilled that you, William James DeKlotz, were born in Portland, Oregon on June 2, 2002 at 6:30 a.m. You weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces and were joyously welcomed into life by your mother, Erin, your father, Steve, and your two-year old, big brother, Joshua.

By the way, your grandparents and your three uncles are very happy and proud of you also. I was told that you have dark hair and are already very curious about your new environment. I know you are very handsome and very smart!

I think you will soon start studying Latin and calculus and reading plays by Eugene O'Neill and novels by Graham Greene, as well as throwing a baseball about 85 m.p.h. (Uncle Corrigan is eager to work with you as a pitcher.) Not much to ask from a proud grandpa.

Pictures of you will soon be at this site, believe me! So please tell your dad to get that camera rolling. Welcome into the world, Will.

We love you,

Grandma and Grandpa Willis, Uncle Robert, Uncle Corrigan and Uncle Kenon

Isn't Will a handsome young boy?

Mother and Child

Loving brothers!

Will and Uncle Cor