Negev Trip
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Home Dead Sea Negev Trip 2


The Negev trip - it's a 4-day excursion to the southern parts of Israel.  Actually in the Bible, the Negev refers only to the region around Beersheba, Arad and Gerar.  Today in Israel, the Negev is everything from Beersheba and south (as far as Eilat).  Highlights: swimming in the Red and Dead Seas, climbing at Avdat and in Nahal Zin and seeing the brand new model of the Tabernacle at Timna.  For more Negev pictures, check here.  Pictures of the Tabernacle model will be up shortly on Todd's page.

If you can't tell from where you're sitting - these are fake (metal) camels.  The students riding on them are real.  The place is Avdat - a trade city on the Nabatean route.


Another couple at Avdat.  Here students climb on reconstructed remains.  On the right, Wendy climbs on the back of a metal donkey.


We don't take too many shots without people, but this was just one that couldn't be passed up. We all hiked through the Nahal Zin.  Lest you think that it was "just for fun" - actually it's mentioned in the Bible - Numbers 34 - and had to make sure we understood the concept of it being the southern border of Israel :-).


We got close to some ibex on the hike. Male ibexes grow 1-3 ridges per year on their horns.  Also their goatees grow longer with age.


So we spent the rest of the hike trying to guess what "snapling" is.  Best guess: it's forbidden to throw Snapple bottles here :-). Then we climbed straight up the cliff face (on a trail).  Here Wendy leads the pack.


Megan, John and Kim stopped long enough for me to get their picture. Monica, Kim and Chet pose for their picture on a rest break.


We did this all while safely avoiding the abyss.