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IBEX isn't easy.  There may be more pictures worthy of web-page status than in your regular college semester, but it's not owing to a lack of time in the lecture hall or staying up all night studying for exams.  We spend the majority of our time in the classroom and in the library.  But we're learning a ton and we wouldn't have it any other way!

Ruth closes her Bible after checking a reference. Brett, Ariel and Shea scribble away in class.


Andrew and Amy sat together for the Land and Bible final exam. Brian can usually nail these tests.


If IBEX had a valedictorian... well, we don't. "No, it's NOT 70's day and if anyone asks me that one more time, I'm going to lose it!"


Don't make fun of Pat's hat; something's gotta keep his head warm if brain activity ain't enough :-). Dave would prefer to be looking out the classroom windows with a view of the Judean hills.


John has successfully balanced his family and the books this semester. "Studied all night, mom.  I promise."


Leo is hard at work with his expensive Bible (aka computer) in front of him.  Craig knows that chewing on his pen won't necessarily give him the answer, but why not?


Usually, Josh has more questions than answers.  Here - well, hopefully more answers this time. Jacquelyn and Phil always take tests together.  And eat together.  And walk together.  And leave things on the bus together.


This is a view of our new classroom from the back.  One of the new wall maps is concealed during the Final Exam.