Madeleine's 1998 Speaking Schedule
JANUARY 3 Library, Norfolk, CT Fireside talk & book signing 13 Holy Cross, West Park, NY Contact: Bro. John Thomas 914-384-6660 ext 305 14-15 writers workshop 16-18 silent retreat FEBRUARY 6-7 UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA "Searching for Truth through Fantasy" contact: John Kennedy 805-967-8019 8 Community event lecture and q/a 10-11 Westmont College, Santa Barbara, CA contact: Beth Labrie 805-565-6170 15-21 Mt. Calvary, Santa Barbara contact: Ann Howard 805-962-9855 26,Mar 5,12,29,36,Apr 2 Writers Workshop at 924 contact: Rev. Dr. Colin Goode 212-362-9300 MARCH 5-9 The Church of Bethesda by the Sea, Palm Beach, FL Lecture, workshop, performance of "Glorious Impossible" contact: Fr. Stokes 561-655-4554 28 St. Mary's, Tuxedo, NY Quiet Day contact: Fr. Cromey 914-351-5122 APRIL 15 Schreiner College, Kerrville, TX 1998 Cooper Lecture and booksigning First Presbyterian Church supper contact: Stan Cobbs 210-896-5411 13-30 Laity Lodge, Kerrville, TX Retreat and writer's workshop contact: Ann Jack 210-792-1230 MAY 1-8 Laity Lodge, con't May 12,19,26,June 2,9,16 Goshen, CT Writer's workshop 7 pm contact: Congregational Church, Goshen 860-491-2793 29-June 1 ABA Convention, Chicago JUNE 21-26 Kanuga, Hendersonville, NC Christian Formation Week contact: Kanuga at 828-692-9136 or e-mail or 28-30 Regent College, Vancouver "The Writer's Life" conference contact: Marilyn Hoeppner and Ginger Shaw 1-800-663-8664 JULY 1-3 Regent College, cont'd 5-10 Somerville, Tarr, Shaw 12-18 Sorrento Center, British Columbia Retreat contact: Marks McAvity 250-675-2421 20-31 England (C.S. Lewis Centenary) with Luci Shaw AUGUST 17-23 Adelynrood, SCHC, Boston Quiet and writers workshop contact: Clare Keller 508-456-3669 SEPTEMBER 18-25 SWAG, Ashville, NC Writers workshop contact: Deener Matthews 1-800-789-7672 OCTOBER TBA NOVEMBER 11-15 Melrose, St. Cuthbert's House, Brewster, NY contact: Sister Penelope Mary 914-278-2610 19-22 The Pilgrimage, Largo, FL Healing Conference contact: Diana Maltby 813-559-0604 23-25 Beach Area Historical Society, Jacksonville Beach, FL contact: Jean McCormick 904-285-6284 DECEMBER 3,10,17 Cathedral of St. John the Divine, NYC Advent talks with Bishop Taylor Return to the Madeleine L'Engle WWW Resource This page hosted by Get your own Free Home Page |