What's New at Chrissy's Dojo?

July 9, 2000 - Sorry, the chat room is temporarily unavailable. This is due to personal reasons unrelated to toolzone.com.

June 20, 2000 - I added a new poem (Revolt of the Crow) to my Poetry section!

June 14, 2000 - Well... my site shrunk. A lot. I weeded out some dead webrings, tossed the ones that I no longer belong in, deleted some graphics that my site no longer uses, and just generally went happy with the delete function. I cut the hockey section, deleted some old photos, removed the survey (was getting complaints that it wasn't working anymore. blame Geo.) Removed the award that I was offering (hey.. it was ugly. who the hell wants it anyway?)
And for the curious... the photos I removed were mostly photos of my ex. It's time to move on, don't you think? I also removed a photo of one of his friends. Sure you're missing out.. he was cute.. but he's a dick. You probably already know guys like that. They're everywhere.
I probably deleted some other things too, but I can't exactly remember what they were. So if you happen to find some broken links or broken images somewhere, please let me know
Oh yeah... I updated my Bio, and changed the look of the counters on my Main Entrance and Text Entrance.

April 2, 2000 - I added two new poems (Opinionated, and The Unspoken Language of Masculinity).

March 24, 2000 - I added two new book reviews! (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey, and Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden). Hope everyone enjoys my first update of the millenium! (I know - I'm a little late...)

November 1999
October 1999
August/September 1999
July 1999
June 1999
May 1999
April 1999
March 1999
February 1999
January 1999
November/December 1998
October 1998
September 1998
August 1998

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