May 28... "The iron chain and silken cord are both equally bonds"...Johann Cristoph Friedrich von Schiller
A friend of mine tells a story about baby elephants. In countries where elephants are used as working animals, they must be trained when they are very young and not yet too powerful. The first thing a trainer does is fasten a heavy manacle and chain to the baby elephant's leg, securing the other end of the chain to a metal stake driven deep into the ground. When the elephant tries to walk freely about, it cannot move any farther than the end of the chain. Although the animal may try repeatedly to escape, it is held in check by its unyielding restraint.
After a period of time, the baby elephant stops testing the strength of the chain. It remains within Have I begun to get rid of my baby elephant ideas? Thought For Today: It's never too soon or too late to change our convictions. (p. 148)